“Why.” I breathed out.

            “Why what?” he asked looking into my eyes.

            “Why did you kill me?” I asked.

            His face hardened a little and he took his hand off of my shoulder. “Are you ready for dinner?”

            “Yes, but you totally evaded answering the question.” I said smiling sadly.

            “I’ll explain it later, we have to head downstairs.” He replied before turning and opening the door, which I assumed Charles fixed while I was getting ready.

            I followed him downstairs past several closed doors through a truly grand entry way, passed a spacious living area and into a massive dining room with a long, oak table in the middle. The table seated twelve. At the head of the table was a man who looked very much like Max, but with blonde hair and blues eyes. I assumed that he was Liam. Next to him was Rose, across from her was Maggie and who I imagined was Martha. She had similar features to that of Maggie and Rose. She had blonde hair like Maggie and Liam, but she had brown eyes like Max and Rose.

            “Nice of you two to join us.” Liam said with a chuckle. If I could blush I would have.

            Max had pulled a seat out for me so I sat down and he sat next to me.

            “I’m Liam, you must be Annabelle.” Liam introduced himself.

            “Nice to meet you.” I smiled.

            “Shouldn’t you introduce yourself, Martha?” Rose asked her.

            “No, I don’t want to.” She replied with a snarky tone.

            “Stop being a bitch, Martha.” Max interjected.

            “Dude, don’t call your sister that, it’s really rude.” I snapped at him.

            “Hmm, maybe I will like her.” Martha laughed.

            A man in a suit brought in plates of food and placed them in front of us. There was a nice piece of steak on it along with mashed potatoes and a small salad. Being a vegetarian, I ate the potatoes and salad but not the steak.

            “Do you not like steak?” Max asked. I could feel everyone turn their eyes toward me.

            “I don’t eat meat.” I replied softly.

            Max started laughing, soon everyone else joined in. I just looked at them thoroughly confused.

            “Hun, you’re a vampire.” Martha stated.

            I thought about it for a second and started laughing too.

            “I didn’t even think about it. I have been a vegetarian so long that I just don’t eat meat.” I explained.

            The man in the suit came in and cleared our plates before placing a glass of blood in front of each of us. I watched as everyone took a sip of theirs. They drank it like a fine glass of scotch. I brought the glass up to my mouth and inhaled the scent. It smelled slightly metallic with an almost citrus scent. I took a small sip and tried to savor the flavor. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t the most amazing thing I had ever tasted.

            “Remarkable.” I heard Liam remark.

            “Amazing, right?” Rose asked.

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