Chapter 6- 'My heartless princess and the start of the game'

Start from the beginning

Who am I kidding?! I can’t be mad at this girl; she doesn’t realize that this could get me in trouble. And this is just a freaking college project. And I still can’t get that smell out of my mind.

“what shampoo do you use?!” I ask, and at that moment I realize how awkward that sounded. She gives me a look that had WTF written all over it. “Excuse me?!”

“what?! Can’t a man ask a woman about her shampoo preference?!” I say that as if it was the most normal thing on earth. Then I see her lips curve up to form a smile, but she ruins the moment by talking business again. “Look, I found this article about an underage boy getting beaten up outside a bar for trying to get in” She turns the laptop to me so I can see the article. “Do you know anything about this Danny?” she asks thinking I already have inside information about the case. “Amira, I’ve already said enough, I don’t wanna risk it even more by chatting about it”. “I’m sorry, it just that it actually interests me, and I already told you that I’ve always wanted to be a detective” I can actually feel the guilt build up in her eyes as she realized that her curiosity and the topic she chose could bite me in the ass. She stops talking for a bit and then says “you know, my parents never approved of my major, I love psychology, and how the human mind works”. “Umm, so you’re trying to get a scholarship to Detective school?” I reply sarcastically ruining the moment as she smiles shyly and punches me again. This is getting annoying because I can’t hit her back. But in a weird way it’s kinda cute. “Listen, as long as we go through cases that aren’t related to me or Tom, then I don’t mind helping you live your dream of being (Detective Conan) until the end of this semester, deal?” I can see her face light up like a Christmas tree when I said that, but of course she’s allergic to nice moments and her vaccine is sarcasm. “And you get to live your dream of hanging out with a sexy girl”. Well that was good while it lasted. “So…I don’t know anything about this case, so it’s ok if we work on it, because it won’t lead back to me, hopefully. “ I say.

“You guys are actually studying?!!” Jack says surprisingly. “Where the fuck did you come from bro??” I reply with a question as he appeared out of nowhere, he managed to sneak up on me even though the drug effect has been gone for a while now. I noticed a look in his eyes he only has when we’re about to fuck shit up. “Dude, can we talk about the play I had an emergency call related to that”. “I thought your dad called” Madison butts in. “Well…yeah, my dad is directing the play and now he wants to add some scenes which I need to discuss with Dan”.

“Just leave them have their Bromance talk, Maddy” Amira says after realizing what’s going on. I walk out of the house with Jack whom as soon as we step out of the house he puts his hand on my shoulder “we need to hit the town right now” he says seriously with an angry face “we suspect Jordan is in his bar” he continues as he stopped being a fun college student and turns into a cop again. “Are we sure it’s him this time?” I ask “No one knows how he really looks like, so we need to get him to talk to us” he replies. As we both entered the house and I can see Amira had a worried face and Madison was completely oblivious to what was happening. I pulled Amira to the side and said quietly “I’m sorry about the project but we gotta get some shit done, I’ll try to see you tomorrow if I come back in one piece?”. “can you please die after I get an A in this class Danny” she tries to hide her worries with sarcasm pretending she doesn’t really care, but I can see she wanted me to be safe not only for the sake of the good marks, but deep down, a tiny part of her which can only be seen with a futuristic microscope, proves she give a tiny damn. I suggested to go out the next day to where we were planning on going this morning as an apology for having to rush tonight, but that wasn’t a good deal, because they both looked at me with (Fuck you) written on their faces, I’m guessing that’s not fun enough for them because they won’t be wearing high heels. “Fine!!!, if you guys do that, I’ll go shopping with you, and I’m actually gonna carry the bags too, not only watch you suffer trying to carry ‘em and laugh my ass off”. “After the almost blowjob I gave you this morning, you’re gonna do more than carry my bags kido” Amira replies sarcastically. “Are you saying I have to pay for getting an accidental almost blowjob?”. “Hunny, that was the closest of you getting a head from me” I coulda sworn I heard my balls cry as she said that.

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