Chapter 18-'The Nerd & His Toy'

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Daniel POV

Alright, time to wake the fuck up, I think we all over slept, my back hurts even though I slept on the bed, but I did heroically give away my precious blanket to Amira, so I had to curl up so I wouldn't freeze, shit didn't work, still had hard time sleeping. I sit up in the bed and look around, and the first thing that my eyes land on is Amira, sound asleep on the beanbag, I couldn't help but admit how cute she looked, she was curled up so that her entire body was on the beanbag, never realised how tiny she could be. The love birds are sleeping on the chairs, their heads resting on each other, and I could see them holding hands under a sweater that they used as cover, I bet they froze too, they looked like an old couple.. creepy shit has happened in here.

Well, look at that. The brat is up, he looks like he had a goodnight sleep, I mean considering he had to live through all that shit, gives him an excuse. But how come when I went through the same shit I ended up sleeping at the back of a stolen car, technically stolen, but still... that bastard.

"Good morning Daniel." He says interpreting my thoughts. "Good morning basta... Beast, I mean hey beast, yeah. I mean you went through that shit and you're still standing, what a beast!" I say trying to cover up my insult. Wait.. Why would I lie about insulting him?? It would be fun to watch this brat cry after getting us all in deep shit, but again, he might run to his little sister and tell her how I hurt his feelings.. stupid brat.

"So how did you sleep?" He asks me innocently. The nerves he has to ask me such a question. This ass-face woke up before me, so he already saw me sleeping like a squirrel hiding my nuts for the winter.. literally. And now he asks me how I slept. "Like a dead baby." I replied with a smile and I noticed that he got confused by my analogy and decided to walk away, I'm guessing he's afraid of me now, he probably thinks that if the girls weren't here, Jack and I would've messed him up so bad he would've begged to go back to the kidnappers. Which is totally right, if the bitches weren't here this rat would've gotten what he deserves.

I noticed that he stopped making eye contact with me. "Majed, was it?" I asked him pretending not to remember his name, just to mess with him. "Yes" he replied trying to avoid having a conversation which might lead to his second kidnapping. "just know that if anything went wrong, not that any of this is right, I will hold you responsible." I threatened him and then walked away to check on the computer to see where the nerd with the USB is, the only problem was that I have no idea how to use this thing so I wake up Jack by sounding the alarm forgetting for a second that Madison and Amira were asleep as well.

The girls wake up terrified "Up and at 'em, let's go, let's, go, man your stations!" I start talking like a drill sergeant. Jack gets up and runs towards the closet where we keep the weapons and he aims at the door waiting for someone to enter "Dan, check the security cams and watch the surroundings!" he orders me while aiming at the door. "We're all clear" I reply and he puts down his shotgun and goes directly to the computers and starts tracking down the target. I can feel Amira poking a hole in the back of my skull with her eyes for the way I woke them up, as I turn to see if she was, I see her flip flop already in the air and it was too late for me to dodge it, so it hits me straight in the face. "Never wake me up like this again!!" She threatens, holding her finger up at me, then she got up and walked to the bathroom without making any eye contact and Madison followed her, which is weird because there is only one toilet there. At least I'm glad she picked up her favourite weapon AKA her Flip flop, thank god it wasn't like Jack's favourite weapon, a shotgun. "What's so funny?" I ask Jack whom just exploded with laughter. "You have a flip flop print on your face!" he barely says while laughing and Majed starts to chuckle. I try to pretend that nothing happened but it was too funny even for me so I start laughing too, until it stopped being funny so we can get back to business.

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