1. Finding out

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Y/n POV:

"What time do you have work tommorow?" Angelina spoke. We were dating for 2 months now. I met her kids but they don't know that we are dating. They probably have an idea, but we confirmed nothing. They always try to get us to confirm but we decided we would wait. Now we were on a date in a fancy restaurant and after that I would sleep over at angelina's.

"I am free tommorow" I spoke whinking at angelina. "What do you want for dessert?" I spoke looking up from my menu. Angelina looked in my eyes waiting a few moments before she answered.

"How about... I'll have you for dessert." she spoke leaning over the table so only I could hear. Angelina leaned back and gave a seductive grin. The grin makes you think things that you shouldn't be thinking of in a restaurant. I quickly grab my water and trying to hide my behind my menu feeling my cheeks getting red. I hear angelina giggling like a teenager. You almost choke on you water when you feel angelina's leg brush against you own.

"S-So um how was work today" I clear my throat. Trying to change the subject.

"It was okay" angelina spoke her leg going up more and her eyes never leaving yours. Closing your eyes, you try to not give away that what angie is doing is getting you turned on.

"I'm going to get the check" angelina spoke and with that her foot was gone and she was walking away to pay. You almost moan at the lose of contact. You stand up quickly following behind angelina that was already by the door. You look outside and see a bunch of paparrazi already standing by the door. Ready to take pictures. You always get anxiety when you see them. Knowing they could get crazy. Angelina grabbed your hand and gave you a calming look. She guided you inside the car. People asking all kinds of questions, most were if we were dating.

When finally in the car you took a deep breath. Angelina placed her hand on you thigh. 'You okay baby' she spoke sqoutsing closer to you. Her hands still on your thigh now moving higher.

"Y-yes I just don't like all those people." You feel her hands crawl op your thigh causing for you legs to feel as if it on fire. Her eyes roam all over your face before stopping to stare at you lips. Her hand comes up more now going under the fabric of my dress. Angelina licks her lips before leaning in and she pushes her lips on mine with force. My eyes flutter close when one hand of angelina is still going up my thigh and the other is resting on my waist.

Her hands on my waist tightings, trying to pull me closer to her. Her tongue strokes my lower lip asking for entrance. Which I teasingly ignored , tightly pressing my lips together. Angie groans in frustration before her hand that was resting on my waist going up to my breast and massaging them through my bra. I couldn't help but let a moan escape. And with that angelina pushed her tongue in to my mouth. Her tongue fights for domanice with mine, which she always wins but i'm not going down without a fight tonight. I push my tongue hard into angie's mouth. She gasps in surprise while I explore every inch of het mouth as if it was the first time.

I start to lean forward, so the brunette is lying across the seat with me between her legs. She moans a few times before flipping us over. She lowers her head and grabs my lower lip with between her teeth. Tugging on it before releasing it again. Then slowly licking across it and pushing her tongue back into my mouth. I feel the car stop. Totally forgetting we were in a car I jump up scared that the driver heard us. 'Relax why so jumpy' angelina spoke opening her door and stepping out of the car.

When we were finally in her house. I immidiatly found myself being pussed against the wall. Angelina roughly pressed her lips to my own. "Ang the kids."

'There with brad' she spoke moving down to my neck. Softly biting on it. I couldn't help but let out a moan. My hands slowly moving down to grip her ass. She pushed her body against mine harder and her hands took a hold of my thigh signaling for me to jump. I jumped in her arms when she pulled away from the wall and walking upstairs. Her hands softly squeezing my ass before she threw me on the bed. Immidiatly hovering over me and attacking my neck. Her hands going to the bottom of my dress pushing it up as far as she could. Her hips grinding down onto me making me let out a soft moan. The moment angelina moved her head down further and pulled my dress up more the door swung open.

Maddox was standing there with his eyes wide open and mouth to the ground. Angelina quickly got off of me realising the position we were in. I stood up and pussed my dress down looking down in embarresment, cheecks turning red.

"Wh- what the hell' maddox spoke his eyes still wide open looking at his mother and then at me and back to his mother. "What is going on here." Angelina just stood there frozen, Not knowing what to do or say. Her son just walked in on her so I couldn't blame her.

"Maddox please don't be mad" I spoke trying to help angelina. Maddox and I always had a good bond so I always hoped he was the one that would be okay with this. But I get it he didn't think he would walk into this....

"I'm not mad, it's just... um well... I don't know didn't expect this...." Maddox spoke walking towards us more.

"Mad I'm so so sorry I didn't know you were home, I thought you were with brad. I didn't want you to find out this way..."

"Mom? You mean find out that you and Y/N are dating?" Maddox spoke softly trying to calm angelina.

"Well yes, but now you know".

"Mom, we have all known for quite a while now that you guys are dating". Maddox spoke laughing at angelina. We were both standing there in shock.

"WHAT" angelina screamed "I'm sorry what, how do you know? And how does the rest know?" angelina spoke lowering her voice

''Well you guys aren't exactually the best in lying and hiding things, it was pretty obvious" maddox spoke laughing at me. I was shocked. I looked over at angelina who still stood there frozen.

"So what do you guys think about it?" Angelina spoke softly taking a deep breath trying to act normal.

"We love it! And laughed so hard at how bad you were hiding things. It was really funny". Maddox spoke laughing probably thinking back at the moments he knew.

Angelina just laughed at they way her son reacted to this. And did admit we weren't good at hiding it.

She pulled her son in a hug and maddox opened his arms for me to join.

A/n: heyy guys, I decided I want to write imagines. I already have more chapters done. You can also request and it doesn't always have to be with Y/N it could be any other character or celeb. Hope you like this one. And please request something. Don't forget to vote and comment 😉

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