Hidan smirks "You're on bitch!" he grabs his Akatsuki cloak and heads outside.

"Hehehehehe" You pull on the cloak that was left on the side in the spare room and Kakuzu's mask. Zetsu appears from the ground passing you all the kunai he could find, bowing to you "We've trained you well, Now kill him"

You head into the garden seeing everyone seated around the edge waiting and watching. They're not going to miss Hidan getting beat up, again. This is entertainment for them. As you appear into the garden, Hidan stares at you with a smirk. Tobi slaps the sides of his mask with his hands, still encased in the duvet, "Kakuzu is so tiny!"

You clear your throat, putting on the deepest Kakuzu voice you can and sternly say "Don't irritate me or I'll kill you". Tobi claps, loving every moment of this.

You get into position, Hidan having his fists up ready. "Even though I don't have my scythe on me, I'm not gonna go easy on you this time [Y/N] so be re - -" Before he can finish, you've thrown three kunai towards him, managing to scratch his cheek and chest. The shock on his face makes you lose your 'cool Kakuzu composure' curling your lip holding in a laugh. He runs towards you, you dodge putting your leg out so he trips and lands straight on his face into the flowerbed. However, Hidans only gone and grabbed you by the cloak pulling you down.

Little did you know Zetsu grabbed you, pulling you into the ground and back up on the other side of Hidan where you use your last kunai and hold it by his throat. "You fucking cheat!"

"She doesn't have ninjutsu like you"

Hidan swings is legs around in attempt to get up, tripping you in the process as he purposely hits your leg bringing you down. "I'm not even using mine on her, that WOULD kill her"

He tries to pin your arms. Kakuzu uses his arm to go into the ground. You lift your legs so they're on Hidan's chest. Kakuzu's hand appears by your head, punching Hidan off of you in unison with your kick. He goes flying back farther than expected, landing on his ass.

"Alright alright I give, its 3 against 1 here" Hidan says spitting the blood out of his mouth.

"I have to admit [Y/N] you're quicker since our spar session, you're not as weak as we thought" You scratch the back of your head laughing, "Hehe I actually kinda like this stuff. Maybe I should go to a club or something and learn taijustu"

"Pfft no way, we will teach you some things" Hidan says getting up, readying himself in a defence stance.

"Well if thats the case, I'll need some assistance if I'm really going to take you down" you say smirking putting you arm out to the side. Zetsu gets up and touches your hand, causing himself to merge with you once more as your body of armour. You/Zetsu stand in a fighting stance preparing to attack.

*Fight pursues*

Hidan is on the floor, almost unconscious. Zetsu pulls himself away from you. The Akatsuki look astonished how well you and Zetsu worked together this time around with the extra practice you had last night.

"Holy shit she has some fire in her am I right?! HM!" Deidara sets off a few mini explosions as a little celebration.

You high five Zetsu "As fun as it is working with you Zetsu, we need to train me up so I can do more by myself. What if you weren't around for me?"

Zetsu nods "This is true, though we will always be here for you" You smile and hug Zetsu.

Hidan sputters some blood and you turn to kneel by him "My bad Hidan, we shouldn't have gone so rough!" You go to wrap your arms around his neck. He pats you on the back.

"I'm meant to be your 'enemy' in a sparring match and you come and check up on me?" he chortles as you lightly and playfully slap his arm.

You sit up and turn to face the others, bowing on the floor "Please would you all each take a moment to train me please"

They all look at each other then at you, smiling and nodding. They had it planned they would already but it was great to see that you beat them to it with your determination. It just showed how willing you were to learn.

It's been a great weekend, the guys have all taken their time training with you, teaching you new skills. Itachi taught you how to throw kunai and shiruken properly. Sasori made some wooden swords for you, Kisame and Hidan to spar with as he taught you the art of swordsmanship. Surprising yourself, this was something you were good at. Sasori even made you a bow, quiver and a few arrows alike the mini figurine he gifted you.

Kakuzu taught you how to throw some heavy punches, kicks and how to block. Zetsu continued teaching you taijustu and Deidara prepared some clay bombs for..you know..incase the time every arises? And lastly, Tobi continued teaching you in his own unique way whilst using his Whack A Mole Jutsu {My favourite thing Tobi does in the anime :') }. This was all great fun for you but your energy was knocked out of you by the end of Tobi's session with you, so he carried you to your room to sleep. Its safe to say, you slept well that night.

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