CH. 11 ~ Aunt Bina

Start from the beginning

"I'll, um, I'll be back, Imma just get my bag," I tell Seonghwa. He nods and when I turn around I hear a loud SMACK followed by Wooyoung's high-pitched whine.

"Ow! What was that for!"

"Don't be rude to Sun-Mi, idiot!" Seonghwa whisper-yells back. I smile making my way quickly to the sickbay when I notice the door to my room is cracked open. I thought I had left it closed...

I push the door completely open, standing at the doorway and scan the room. It looks like a hurricane swept through the place leaving a huge mess. The boxes I had finished organizing had fallen over, spilling all of its contents all over the place. Some of the glass jars with the special herbs have even broken and scattered. My bed, which I had fixed this morning, was a complete mess. It's like someone ripped the sheets off and just splattered them all over the place. I take a step inside pushing some of the mess out of the way with my foot, when I see my bag sprawled on my bed. Some of its contents have spilled out as well. I quickly rush over and check all of my belongings when I notice everything is still there. Why would anyone look through my stuff just to leave it all here? And the mess, ugh! It's giving me a headache just to think of what happened here. I lean forward to set everything back in my bag when I finally notice something is missing.

The envelope Baekhyun gave me... It's not here.

Suddenly, I hear something fall behind me and I spin around only to be faced with even more emptiness. The hairs on my arms start to stand as I think of what could be in the room with me. The room seems to still for a moment, falling so silent you can hear the ticks of the clock in the room as clear as day. When I'm sure nothing is inside with me, I sling my bag over my shoulder and walk out the room. Making sure that I close it correctly this time.

"Sun-Mi, hurry up! What's taking you so long?" I make my way over to Wooyoung and Seonghwa when I hear Wooyoung call me.

"Sorry, I just had a bit of a mess," I lie, biting my lip while looking back worriedly at my room. Both men look at me and at the room suspiciously but luckily they decide to drop it.

"I'll help you clean later, let's just go into town," I nod following Seonghwa once again, out of the boat and into town.

As soon as we enter the town market the smell of baked goods and coffee hit my nostrils. It stayed, never dissipating, even after walking through the market for an hour or so. The scents hung deliciously in the air making my tummy rumble. Loudly.

"Are you hungry?" Seonghwa asks looking back at me. I nod looking around at all the stands with fresh foods. It just spikes my hunger even more.

"Well I guess it's a good thing you have me, babes, cuz I'm a full course meal." Wooyoung winks in my direction, stretching an arm across my shoulders. Seonghwa looks at him with an expression of both confusion and disgust, rolling his eyes. Wooyoung's hand hangs a little too close to my chest making me uncomfortable but he doesn't seem to notice or think twice about it.

"You know, if you appreciate you're arm, I'd advise you to remove it, before I snap it in half." I threaten with a smile making him retract his hand in the blink of an eye. Seonghwa looks back at me nodding approvingly as he scans the stands for whatever item is on his list.

We continue going deeper into the market and start to see some actual shops instead of stands. Clothes stores and bakeries appear everywhere highly lit. The crowd only seems to thicken and I stretch out desperately for Seonghwa's hand. When I make contact with his soft palm, he seems to understand and he pulls me away to the side. Wooyoung notices, but another store has his attention, so he signals to Seonghwa where he's going and takes off.

"I'm hungry, too, so how about we just stop quickly to eat and then continue looking for the items. I've already burned through a good chunk of the list."

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞!𝐚𝐮) 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙Where stories live. Discover now