The club

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As it always happens when you are not eager to do something, the evening came faster than I hoped it would. I worked hard that day, managing to apologize to Paul for being late and writing a lot of material that I could successfully use in the articles later. Paul, on the other hand, didn't see any big trouble in my tardiness which was weird since I knew how important it was to him for a worker to be professional. Royce and Denaun explained that apparently, Paul liked me a lot and what's more - my sincere regret. So, the situation was all forgotten, and I couldn't be happier about that.

However, there was an obvious cloud on my clear sunny sky. A huge stormy cloud with a dangerous promise of embarrassment that as you already understood, was that damn club visit.

I was never good at that kind of stuff. Diana used to go clubbing and drag me with her every Saturday night until she found her boyfriend Justin and fortunately, it all ended for good. But I wasn't a party person and didn't even like to dance or drink a lot. And since my heart had a full-time job being broken, I wasn't interested in new acquaintances either.

Standing on the studio parking lot and waiting for all the guys to come, I was trying to come up with some believable excuse, nervously tapping my feet on the ground along the way. Any clever ideas refused to cross my mind so when I saw Royce and Denaun heading to me, there was nothing left but accepting my destiny and face it like a true fearless human. It didn't matter that I wasn't one. Everybody is allowed to dream, right?

'I see that someone is ready to have fun tonight' Denaun commented teasingly as he and Royce came closer to me with foolish smiles on their faces. I was already regretting telling them about my club-going experience. Bastards.

'Yeah, sure' I rolled my eyes annoyingly at them. 'Where is Mr Marshall Mathers, though?' I asked in a sarcastic tone, feeling an urge to drop the topic as soon as it was possible.

'He has some things to do so we'll meet him later in the club' Royce explained.

'Don't worry, Ella. He'll come' Denaun winked at me, and both of them laughed, pointing at Royce's car which all of us had to take.

I shook my head in disbelief but couldn't keep a chuckle from leaving my lips. As much as the joke seemed funny, there was something true in it. I wanted Marshall to come and there was no reasonable explanation for that. Oh well, I had no intention to explain it for real.

The drive wasn't long but fun as I spent it listening to Denaun and Royce's expectations about what the night could bring us. Needless to say, I was pretty sure that the night prepared something tricky, and I was anticipating it like a natural thing, hoping to avoid any big trouble.

So, when we finally arrived, I left the car as fast as only a turtle could do. The building of the club appeared to be huge, somewhere on the outskirts of the town. Near the entrance, there were two giant-like security guards and some folks smoking cigarettes, flirting with dressed-up girls. The music was blasting in the dark of the approaching night, and the first image of it seemed somehow blurred by the atmosphere.

The minute we stepped on the threshold, I knew that I was going to feel uncomfortable. The club was almost fully packed with people with two floors of space and a large dancefloor. Somebody was already drunk, somebody kept it easy to prolong the night, and we were barely getting started. In the middle of that moving crowd, I suddenly felt like all eyes were on me. But it was just an illusion.

'Royce, I've seen that DJ I've told you about right when we arrived. We should make some connections with him, it might be interesting' Denaun said when we found the table on the second floor and ordered some drinks. It was a perfect place to observe the whole club, and that was the only thing I really liked. It was somehow interesting to watch all those different people, so many plots could be easily found.

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