So bad

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I'm so bad, I'm so good that I'm so bad.
I guarantee I'll be the greatest thing you ever had
'Cause you ain't never met nobody like me
And you're not gonna fuck nobody else again...

I didn't plan to be so upset. It's not like you can choose but at least, you can prevent yourself from getting to the lowest point of this emotion by making the right choices. Well, for sure, I didn't hear about the right choices at all so now I just had to deal with whatever was put on my plate.

Marshall's "explanations" were enough to make me call Josh on my way home and meet up at his house to hang out. We figured out the situation from Friday night, he apologized, I apologized and we decided to move forward. It wasn't like that direction was particularly exciting but at least, he was open and ready to communicate without throwing me in the trash bin like somebody else.

Uh-huh, the hint is too obvious isn't it?

Hell, yeah, making it look like Marshall wasn't bothering me was a hard thing to do. His name was the only word on my mind at Josh's, then at my home, and before I was going to sleep. Monday was creeping up to me, forcing me to get ready to face him at work after this awful talk near Denaun's house, and I didn't know what the hell I was supposed to do.

Improvisation is the key, isn't it?

Grabbing my coffee in the morning, I caught a taxi. I guess, sitting and watching sunny May Detroit weather outside the window had never felt so cliche. Rolling over and over the same scenarios in your head how distant and careless I would've behaved, how cool I would've looked in my outfit, and how sorry he would've been for treating me that way. But we all knew that in reality, it would've been exactly the opposite, and unfortunately, that thought was nothing but disappointing.

I closed the car door of the taxi, thanking the driver and stopping in front of the studio building. It was warm and just a bit windy outside so it seemed like just one more excuse not to go in. My coffee had already gotten disgustingly cold but I made a sip to distract my mind from being so goddamn nervous. Yeah, here we go.

The studio hallway met me with the already familiar distant glance of Camilla, Marshall's secretary. We never had a chance to get along and I always felt like she didn't want to. This time her eyes were especially judging as if she knew I spent the night with Marshall and then was unmercifully rejected. So, when I heard the voices of two of my favorite people, I instantly felt relieved, getting my glance away from Camilla and making my way to them.

'Now you think that if you have a girl, you're the smartest one here. The only one thing you don't realize that she chose you out of pity' Royce snorted sarcastically, making a mindless gesture as he and Denaun were sitting on the sofas not far from Camilla's desk. From what I'd seen, it must have been one of those extremely important arguments they were so used to so all I had to do was coming closer and suppressing a smile at it. Hoping Marshall not being somewhere around...

'Out of pity? What the fuck?' Denaun put his hands on his chest in a resentful way, raising his eyebrows at Royce in a threatening challenge. Yep, one of those arguments for real.

'Yeah, she probably just wanted a child to look after and you are the perfect candidate. You whine all the time, eat, sleep a lot, and need swaddling. Not to mention that you never shut up' Royce rolled his eyes annoyed by the conversation, and I let out a little quiet laugh. They just couldn't be serious, could they?

'Swaddling? You went too far this time, I'll fucking show you, prick!' Denaun got up from his place, trying to shove Royce in a comical clumsy way, making me announce my presence finally before it could've grown in a fight. Some part of me hated to interrupt this little scene but another preferred choosing rationality. With them, you never knew.

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