Chapter 1: The Ex

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Pic above is Ethan (AKA Max Barczak)

Chapter 1: The Ex

Ethan's POV

14 years. That's how long I've been here. 14, long years. I am in hell.

Or at least, I'm going to hell.

I was abandoned on the doorstep that many years ago. I was almost 3. That day is not a day I like to remember—the parts I do remember. It changed me. I was an innocent kid, a nice one. Now I'm just... Numb. I'm sure a certain someone wouldn't be proud of who I've become, but it doesn't change that fact that it's who I am. I've been in jail multiple times. I sneak out at night. I've sleep around with the girls—and sometimes guys—at school. And my grades are not the best.

I don't really care. If a certain someone doesn't like who I am, then maybe she shouldn't've left me for the wolves to feed on.

All through my pre-teen years, I was hit, and picked on, and pushed around. The day I turned 11, I decided I wasn't going to be a push over anymore. I started pushing other people over. I was rude to other kids. I ditched school. I starting drinking at 15. Lost my virginity at 14.

Just a few more months till I can leave. I can't wait to get out of this town. Too bad I can't drive yet...Maybe I should get my permit. 

Today is that day. Everybody is running around in their nicest clothes cleaning the place up.

Like it'd ever be clean (unless I cleaned it).

"Pick up those clothes! Make sure the dishes are put away! Don't forget to comb your hair! Ethan!"

I paid no attention and continued searching. 

"Ethan, come and help!"

I ignored the demanding voice. It's not like anyone would even care. When everybody comes, they ignore me. It's like I don't even exist. 

It's ok. I don't need anybody to know me. I do, and I'm ok. I'm alive at least. I don't know if I can say the same for her.

But I plan on finding her before I leave. My plan is if I can find her, then I can talk to her. And maybe feel whole.

If she's dead.... I don't know. 

MaybeI'll leave the country to where no one else knows me. Hopefully I can forgeteverything. 

Especially that night...

"Ethan?" Jeremy came into view. He was an older man in his 50's with dark skin, and hair a thin grey. He always wore a newsboy hat to cover his bald spot on the top of his head. I've told him for years that his bald spot was a sign that he's the kindest man ever. He says it's because he's old. While that's true, I still think of him as 30. With his agility, he certainly acts 30. 

I ignored him and continued searching. He sighed when he noticed what I was doing. "Ethan..."

"Don't you have a house to run and kids to get rid of?" I bit at him. He knelt in front of me.

"I know you want to find her, but maybe it's for the best she left you." He told me softly. I knit my brows. 

"You just don't want me to know who she is." I glared at him. 

"Eth, that's not it. I do want you to know your mother, but you're here for a reason."

"Yeah, that reason being, she left me here. Now can I go back to finding her?"

He sighed. "Today is a free day—er, week. Some lovely people will come in looking for some lovely kids." I rolled my eyes. "Why don't you put on some nice clothes? I have a feeling today is going to be the day." He smiled at me. My scowl didn't leave. 

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