"Forget about him," Cole finished for me and I slowly looked up into his eyes. 

What I saw wasn't pity or sympathy, but understanding. Complete understanding. "That's exactly how I feel about my parents," he said softly and my heart hurt at his vulnerable face. I've never seen that look on him before.

I had always hoped that one day I would understand a part of Cole, but I never knew that we would be able to connect on such a deep level. 

Cole sighed. "My sister did the same thing. She just went on as though they never existed ... and I can't understand why."

We fell into silence after that, but it wasn't tense or uncomfortable as before just ... as though we were both in our own worlds. I took a deep breath as I looked around the cafe. We had been there close to an hour already, and I knew I had to start making my way home, especially now that the drizzle had turned into a moderate rain. 

However, I didn't feel like being by myself for once.

I looked back at Cole to see him staring at his empty glass. "Hey ..." I began and he looked up at me. My words died as I felt my nerves take over, forcing me to look down at my lap. "Would-" My voice squeaked and I quickly cleared it. "Would you like to come over to my house? We can watch a movie or something. Only if you want to, though."

Cole watched me stumble over my words with a bit of amusement in his eyes. "Sure."

I tried to hide my sigh of relief and climbed to my feet, with Cole and Dobey following behind me. We said our goodbyes to his aunt and I immediately missed the warmth of the cafe as I stepped out into the winter air. Thank goodness it doesn't snow here or else I would die.

The two of us opened our umbrellas and we began to walk down the paving towards my home. After a minute or so of walking I realised something. 

"Where's your bike?" I asked and Cole shook his head.

"I don't ride it if there's a chance it might rain, and I like to walk."

"Me too!" I smiled and I saw Cole's lips tug upwards into a smirk. I blushed and looked away, mentally willing the butterflies in my stomach to stop.


"Okay, what do you feel like watching?" I asked as I opened the cabinet to reveal all the movies we owned. Cole came up next to me and I flushed when I felt his arm brush against mine. If Cole felt the sparks I did, he didn't let on as he glanced at all the movies.

"You seem to like the Disney movies," Cole stated and I blushed red.

"Yeah, my parents don't really like me watching violent, gory movies," I explained.

"And supernatural?"

I immediately shook my head. "Definitely not."

"Why? Against your religion?" Cole quirked an eyebrow.

"Yes ..." I paused, "and I also get creeped out by their eyes."

"Why?" Cole stopped his search to look at me.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I just don't like unnatural eye colours. They freak me out more than horror movies do."

Cole nodded his head and turned back to my movie selection and I gave a mental sigh of relief. I waited a moment for him to make a decision and he showed it to me. "Lady and the Tramp?" I asked, with a raised brow.

"I haven't watched it in years," Cole admitted and I smiled.

"It's one of my favourite movies," I said as I took the cover from him and put the movie in the video machine. Dobey (who had since been bathed on arriving home because I can't stand the smell of wet dog) had already made himself at home on the three-seater and Cole took a seat next to him. "Do you want popcorn or something?" I offered.

Cole shook his head. "I'm fine."

"Oh yes, you don't like it," I said, remembering the time he joined Richard and I in the movie theatre and declined popcorn. It seems like such a long ago now when I think of it.

Cole's eyes widened slightly. "You remember?"


I gave an awkward laugh. "It's just ... I've never met someone who doesn't like popcorn," I said, trying to justify the fact that I've remembered something from so long ago without looking as though I like him.

Cole shrugged his shoulders. "I don't like the feeling of the oil when it sits on my top palate."

I nodded my head in understanding and grabbed the remote, along with a cream blanket that I then proceeded to wrap around me as a cocoon. "You want a blanket?" I asked as I pressed 'play' on the remote.

Cole shook his head. I placed the remote down on the coffee table in front of us before settling down next to him, but keeping an appropriate distance between us. As we watched the beginning credits, Dobey seemed to have a sudden surge of energy and he jumped over us to get to the kitchen, proceeding to knock me over with his body.

Now because I was wrapped tightly in a blanket, my arms couldn't reach out to steady me and I fell into Cole's side.

"Sorry!" I apologized as I tried to sit back up, but an arm wrapped around my waist, halting my movements.

"It's fine," Cole said and I looked up at him shocked as he pulled me closer to him, but his eyes were set on the screen. 

I blushed as I curled more into my blanket, trying to will my racing heart to slow down before I died. I slowly turned my gaze back to the movie as we both watched in silence. 

About half way through the movie though, I could feel my eyelids growing heavy. I didn't sleep very well last night. The nightmares kept me awake. But now the feeling of being enveloped in the warmth of the blanket and the comfort of snuggling against Cole was making me extremely drowsy.

"I like this," I muttered as my eyes closed. I felt Cole's chest vibrate as he hummed in agreement. "You can come back any time in the holidays if you like. It's nice having someone here," I said, but I didn't hear his reply as I rested my head on his shoulder and sleep overcame me.



My eyes shot open as I flew up into a seated position and I looked around startled. I was asleep on the living-room couch, cuddled up in a cream blanket ... and no Cole in sight. I looked to see my mom poke her head into the room and give a relieved sigh. "Oh, there you are. Come on, I bought supper."

"O-Okay," I said still half asleep and she left. 

I sighed and raked a hand down my face. Was that whole thing with Cole a dream? If it was then my imagination sucks big time. I groaned as I forced myself to stand and it was then that I felt a piece of paper in my hand.

I frowned and uncurled my fist to see a small, crumpled paper lying on my palm. I straightened it out and my eyes widened as I took in the words.

C u tomorrow.

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