"You two can take a seat wherever you like. They'll be ready in a few."

"Thank you," I said softly and Cole grabbed my hand to lead me to a quiet booth, but as though I was a hot plate, he instantly let go and cleared his throat.

"Come on," he said and I nodded as I followed him, confused by his odd behaviour.

It was silent between us as we settled in one of the back, corner booths of the café. Dobey, not surprisingly, lay down by Cole's feet. My cruel mind decided to humour itself for a moment and wondered if this was what it might be like to be on a date with Cole ... only without the tension that could be cut with a butter knife.

I cleared my throat and shifted. Silence never sat well with me when I was seated and could do nothing but stare at my company. I had to say something. 

"Nice place, can't believe I haven't seen it before," I muttered awkwardly.

"My aunt only opened it a few months ago," Cole replied as he watched me, but I couldn't meet his gaze. Instead I looked at my interlaced fingers.

"Okay, that's cool."


Silence encompassed us once more and it stayed that way until our order arrived, along with a bone placed on some newspaper for Dobey, which I found sweet of Stella. I kept myself occupied by stirring my whipped cream into my drink as I let the warmth from the cup move through my fingers. 

I heard Cole sigh. "Look, Elizabeth, I know I asked you here so you could ask me whatever you wanted so ..."

I paused and looked at him. He looked uncomfortable as he put a spoonful of cream into his mouth. 

"Okay ..." I bit my lip and took a sip of my drink, savouring the taste as I pondered my first question. Funny how your head can be bursting with questions, yet when you're given an opportunity to voice them then your mind goes blank. "Well, I guess all I want to know is ... why did you start ignoring me?" I looked up and gauged his reaction.

"Oh, well ..." Cole trailed off as he looked down at his drink. He frowned slightly, probably deciding on how to word his reply, but he only ended up opening and closing his mouth several times. I could see frustration rising in his eyes and he grimaced looking away from me. 

Although I desperately wanted to find out the reason, the sight of seeing the cool as a cucumber Cole looking so uncomfortable and hesitant made guilt overwhelm my curiosity.

I sighed. "Okay, never mind." I probably need to ask simpler questions to get him to relax a little. "You don't have to answer that one right now." 

I almost smiled at the relieved look that came over his features, but I hid it behind my drink.

"So ... where do you live?"

"With my aunt and uncle."

I paused. I was not expecting that reply. I was meaning location. "Oh ..." I swallowed, "what about...?"

"They passed when I was fifteen." 

Cole didn't look at me as he replied. He was frowning and it caused creases to appear on his forehead that I had the sudden urge to smooth away. The frown bothered me immensely.

"Are you an only child?" I asked. I didn't want to ask him how they passed. I know what a sensitive topic that can be.

"No," Cole said as he scooped more cream off his drink and ate it. He was clutching the spoon tightly. "I have a sister. She's a year older."

"Oh, where is she?"

"I don't know. She left with some rock star wannabe a month after my parents died," he gritted his teeth as he spoke. He was getting angry. Not at me though, I hoped. I decided to change the topic.

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