Baby Confession to the shanks

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Flippity flappity here comes vitality

— one month later —

Thomas has been taking great care of you during this whole month. Secretly caressing your belly whenever he could. He tried to spend as much time with you as he could despite being a runner. You usually waited for him at the maze door with the others and he'd always sprint to you and lift you up swirling you around.
Your intimate time in your hut hasn't been stopped by the pregnancy. You were still ~active~ 😎 with the fact that he gets turned on thinking about you being pregnant ;)))
You've been talking about telling the others lately because it's been a month now. Your belly isn't visible to the others yet, especially as you kept on wearing big shirts. But how long will that be possible? There was a tiny bump already which Thomas liked to nuzzle softly every night.

You're in the Med huts. Working your usual shifts with Jeff while Clint was talking to the slicers again for them to take care of themselves more.
It's getting late already and the runners must be back in just a bit. But today there's Winston who just cut himself deeply with a knife. You know you can't make it to greet Thomas at the door but it shouldn't be too bad.

„This is your 4th time this week Winston!" you shake your head chuckling. „Take care of yourself"
You're putting alcohol onto the big cut as he hisses.

„Ouchh.. I know I know.. hhhh.." he says with his eyes squeezed together. „I'll try Y/N"

You're putting on a special cream and then a bandage. Just at that moment you already hear the other Gladers outside talking loudly and cheering.
‚They must be back' you smile.
„Sorry that you have to take care of me at this moment instead of greeting Thomas" Winston smiles at me with an apologetic expression.
„Don't worry that's my job!"

You didn't see Thomas in the doorway as he just walked there.

„Hey Y/N.. Hi Winston" he walks in with a dull face tilting his head.
You quickly let go of Winston's hand that you unconsciously have been holding after putting the bandage on. Winston just chuckles looking at the place on his bandage where your hands just were a second ago.

Thomas glares at him.
„Well I'll get going now, bye you two and thanks again Y/N" he smiles at you.
„No problem and remember I don't want any other injuries this week" you shout and giggle.

„Hey babe" you look up at Thomas. He looks annoyed. „...What's wrong?"

„You weren't waiting there for me!" he shrugs and leans against the table next to the bed. „But I guess you had more fun taking care of Winston than me"
You felt a sting in your heart and a slowly build up of anger.
„What are you talking about?!" you stand up and face him standing close.
„What I am talking about?? I'm talking about you not waiting there at the maze door and sitting here with Winston holding his shucking hand!" he stands straight up closing the distance between you a bit more.

„Thomas calm down he's a patient, I have to take care of him" you say with a calm but strong voice.

„I- I'm so sorry Y/N, I just missed and I was happy to see you but you weren't there" he smiles sadly.

You smile back and he puts his arms around your waist pulling you all the way into him and kisses your lips.
You put your hands behind his neck while kissing deeply. „I love you baby" he whispers after a while, you two standing there with your foreheads touching.
You giggle softly „I love you too".

my little one // Thomas x Reader (pregnancy) tmrWhere stories live. Discover now