One chance

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pregnancy count: 27 weeks (6 months 3 weeks)

eenie meenie miney mo, you lost your mind you ho-

The time of longing has passed and it is now time for the plan Thomas and the group have brought on the table roughly two months ago. They are more than ready and nothings seems to go wrong anymore. It will work!

- Thomas' pov -

I could barely sleep last night. Today is finally the day. It's still early in the morning and the train will arrive shortly. We have moved to each of our locations. Brenda and Jorge will wait on the right side of the railway in their car, they're the distraction. Newt and two other guys will be waiting in the field, they will help in defense as Newt removes the container from the rails. Frypan, Harriet and a few more will be waiting for Brenda and Jorge, they're part of the trap. And lastly, Vince and I, we'll wait on the left side of the railway in our car, we're removing the container part from the rest of the train.

Everything seems to be in place. I can feel my hands shaking slightly as my eyes are fixed on the railway.
Then, finally, a horn can be heard and I look back at Vince on the steering wheel. He nods and I breathe in deeply. "Let's do this".

We watch as the train passes and just after the last wagon passes, Vince accelerates and not long after we're driving on the rails. It's a bumpy ride but we only have approximately 1 minute before the tires give up and explode.

I make my way towards the front part of the car, to attach us at the wagon.
„I need to get closer!"
And so he accelerates even more and I can finally attach the wire. I jump onto the train wagon and then turn around.
„Come on now Vince!!" I yell. There's not much time left.
He climbs on top of the car, the bumps nearly knocking him down. I glance down at the wire. Not only is it elongating, making the gap between car and train bigger, but it also won't be attached for long anymore. I look back up again. "Jump!"
He prepares and jumps off, barely clinging onto the train. I quickly help him up and soon after we see the car doing a front flip (😎). 'That was close'.
Vince points at the sky behind us and I can faintly see WCKD's aircraft. ‚That's going to be rough for those two'.
„Brenda? You got company."

„You're on your own now" I hear Brenda speak through the radio device. „Don't die."
I can't. Y/n.
„Good luck!"

We run along the wagons as quickly as possible.
A bunch of WCKD's men are starting to run towards us from the other direction.
We need to make this quick. Remove the container wagons and they won't get to us.
I stand guard in front of Vince, my aimed upwards, as he works on destroying the coupling of the wagons.
And just then they arrive and I start shooting back, keeping them at distance.

„Take cover!„ Vince yells and I quickly move to the side of the wagon as the explosion sets in.

It worked!

Slowly the train stops and we jump off. I quickly whistle, letting Newt know we're here.
We have to be quick. Slamming my fists onto the wagon I make sure this one has Y/n and Minho inside. ‚Am I just making up their voices?' We don't really have time. It must be this one.. I'm sure.

As Newt gets to work I can see the men running along the tracks towards us. „Oh sh*t"
Vince comes up beside me. „It's gonna be close"

Vince and I attach ropes onto the container. Though I'm starting to get impatient since the soldiers are way too close already.

„Newt how're you doing?"

„Don't rush me"

The shooting starts.

my little one // Thomas x Reader (pregnancy) tmrΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα