Manipulation and memories

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(I am procrastinating my work that's why I'm here heh, have fun)
continuing ...

- Minho's POV -

„Kiss me, Minho"

I freeze. My brain stops working for a second and I just look at Y/n in front of me. Her lips are dangerously close to mine. I don't dare move. What in the world is happening?

No. No this is wrong.

"What..?" I whisper. I can see her lips quiver and she grabs my face. "Come on, do it already" she says quietly, nearly expectant. I don't understand.

I shake my head slightly. "This isn't right Y/n.. and you know that"
She chuckles and it scares me a bit. "What even is right and wrong in this burning world"
She moves her fingers along my jawline and neck, it feels nearly nostalgic. "It's just us". Her voice sweet.

I close my eyes. "I know we've had something before, I remember our sweet-nothings-talks, our kisses, our touches and ... " I sigh frustratedly.

My mind is flooded with memories of our shared past. Before Thomas.


I've been exploring the maze all day again with Ben. We seem to have found most of it. "Good work today" I tell him and he nods. We jog out of the maze and into the glade. Everyone's busy doing their work, lifting their heads and wave as we jog past.

"Minho! Ben! Hey!"

I smile. Her voice always soothes me and I stop the jog, walking towards a highly excited Y/n.
Ben waves at her and then makes his way to the runner's hut.

"Well hello there" I say grinning. She throws her arms around my neck, hugging me.
I pull her closer by her waist, slowly caressing it. "Wow someone's happy"
She nods into my shoulder. "Very"
It usually led to one thing.
I pin her against the wall of her individual room carelessly, her lips hanging onto mine. My hands traveling along her beautiful body, her curves. "F*ck, you're getting prettier every day". She smiles against my lips.

I impatiently remove her shirt and jeans, then attack her neck and breasts with kisses, leaving hickeys all over. I can hear her breath hitching each time. Her quiet whimpers filling the room.

She pulls me up by my hair, her hands grabbing the hem of my shirt. She'd always stop there and look me in the eyes as if she were the most innocent puppy in the world.

I chuckle and help her remove my own clothes, our lips connecting again. I slide my hand behind her head, deepening the kiss as I feel her going out of breath.

She wraps her legs around me and I carry her over to the bed, laying her down. I hover above her, my hands on each side of her head. „I'm glad you're back safely" she says sweetly and I smile. „This isn't really the time for this talk is it?"

-end of flashback-

I'm not mad at Thomas, for taking her, we came to terms that we'd never be with each other in such a way. Even before he arrived. It was just us being teens. She was never mine to begin with.
He has every right to, if she loves him too.

Then why is she doing this all of a sudden? I open my eyes again and see her tears-filled eyes.

"But this isn't right. You are with Thomas, you are expecting his child, Y/n, ..wake up..!" I continue, slowly. There's no way she's acting like this upon her own. They torture me every single day, I know how brutal they can get.

"Stop it Minho, shut up.. they don't care about us, they're long gone" she says, louder, her hands shaking. „They can go to hell"
Her hands are firmly holding my face now. That's not the Y/n I know. I don't know what to say, but.. „The people here made you think that, didn't they? They're making you hate our friends, aren't they?" I ask through gritted teeth.

Her expression changes, it's angrier now. „They're not our friends anymore, don't you get it?!" she yells, letting go of me with a small push.

Her eyes look a little foggy, more absent than usually and I shake my head. „You're out of your mind Y/n, they did something to you" I say, then adding angrily, „I'll kill whoever did this to you"

- standard pov: second person, you-

You don't know what you're thinking. It's like a battle against yourself. One moment you say something and the next you regret it. And it's driving you insane.

You look down at your hands, slightly embarrassed of what just happened. But then again, it's true what you said, everything! You've seen it all. Haven't you?
„But it's all true, Minho" you whisper and hear him sigh. ‚I'm sorry, I can't escape this' you think.

„No Y/n, I'll tell you as many times as you want, our friends are not forgetting us and we'll find a way out"

Before you can oppose you feel a stinging pain on the right side of your belly. You whine quietly and then sink down and press your hand onto the site gently.
Minho moves closer and his hands seem to look for the right thing to do.

„Y/n? What's wrong?" his voice is shaky and you chuckle. „I'm alright, just a little pain, it'll go away."
He places his hand next to yours on your belly and caresses the area a bit. „You should rest, really, it's not good for you to be in such stress"

You shake your head, stress has been a given all along. Now that nobody cares about you guys anymore.. it doesn't matter. But the stern expression on Minho's face makes you agree and you lie down on the bed. You turn your head a bit, facing him. „You too, Minho, you need rest more than me, please"
He just nods and you fall asleep not long after.

-third person pov, laboratory-

Ava Paige walks along the perfectly white hallway to the door on the far end. The lab.
She pushes down the handle and walks inside. Various people inside working on different things, but most importantly, this. She picks up a syringe filled with a blue-ish, clear liquid. Hard work pays off.

She puts it in a protective box and then walks outside again, her face showing pride.

Arriving at the meeting with a few doctors, Janson and the higher up people, she walks to the front of the table.

„Ladies and gentlemen, as you may know we have a very precious person among the immunes. She is currently pregnant and will so be our first deliverance of the 2nd generation of immunes. Since she is so valuable we will not risk losing her to a bunch of kids who are surely looking for their colleagues. For that I have created this" she takes the syringe out of the box and holds it in the air.

„We have started with twisted cognizance therapy on her a few days ago and it is seemingly going well! This is all a means for us to take care of her, as we need her to not long for the outside. She is currently starting to loathe anyone she remembers and with this.." she lets a little amount of liquid shoot out.

„.. she'll forget"

Ily thank you for reading!!
Have a good day/night <3

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