They're called Cranks

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back on track in the dry, withered land, hand in hand. (idk have you noticed my love for rhymes)

You've gotten away from the guards. They seemed to never give up on looking for your group. But soon enough you found an abandoned building and slipped inside. Everyone was still a bit confused, you especially. But Thomas then explained what he saw. Bodies. Hanging down from machines by wires. Calling them corpses would be too extreme but they weren't fully alive either. The wires sucked blood out of the bodies. Emptying them. Because there's something in your blood that WCKD wants and needs.

You stand in panic. It's still WCKD. But they seemed so kind, to you, to your baby. You look down onto your belly and caress it. 'You're probably worth even more than we are, my baby.', You think. 'You're the next generation after the immunes...'

Thomas looks at you and then slides his arm around your waist, stroking your side. "But we're safe now, we just can't trust anyone" he says to everyone.

"So what's the plan?" Newt asks. "You have one right?"

"I- uhh.." Thomas seems to be thinking of ideas.

"We followed you up until here and you say you have no plan??" Newt raises his voice slightly.

"We can figure it out together right?" you whisper.

"Janson said something about a group of people in the mountains, whom they fight against" Aris suddenly says.

"The right arm! If they're really opposing WCKD they might help us!" Thomas says with hope in his voice.

"People.. in the mountain.. mountain people??" Newt asks hopeless.

"Hey Minho, come here with your torch" Winston suddenly says and you all walk over to him. "Look, foot prints, seems like we aren't the first ones here"

And with that you decide to go look around a bit in small groups. You're with Newt and Frypan, because Thomas wants to explore a bit deeper, not wanting to put you in danger. Task? Look for life.

You're in a dusty room at the moment. Torch in your left hand. It's filled with clothes and furniture. As if not long ago, someone lived here.
You walk ahead of Newt and Frypan who are still looking around in the first part of the big room.

"Y/n? Are you ok there?" Newt asks.

"Ah yes I am no worries"

You find a huge closet and decide to change your clothes, since you're still in a white hospital gown.
You grasp a lose shirt, a jacket and some trousers with stretchy band to be mindful of your pregnancy.
Afterwards you also change your shoes to boots that just seem to fit perfectly.

(Nah but do y'all remember that scene where Theresa changes and Newt has to turn Frypan's head to face him instead of her, that was so hot asjkldhjk, anyways we're not Theresa tho 🙄)

You turn back around and walk towards Newt and Frypan.
"Oh hi good-looking" Newt smiles at you.
You smile back at him and then point to the closet.
"You two might want to grab a jacket too it's cold at night"
They do as you said and then your group walks back out of the room into the big hall.

"Where are the others?"

"Still looking around probably."

"Ah there are Winston and Aris"

You walk to the mentioned two and then look around a bit together because who's still missing are Thomas and Minho.

my little one // Thomas x Reader (pregnancy) tmrWhere stories live. Discover now