It's always been WCKD !

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flippity flap, janson's a rat

None of you have noticed Thomas' absence until the morning when he told you about it. He saw some of the doctors here bring some weird things to a certain area in the building that isn't allowed to most. He seemed tense, but none of the others took it seriously.
You're now in the cafeteria again, taking in your breakfast.

Janson comes in and catches everyone's attention.
"So the usual, if your name is called, line up next to me, got it?"
He starts. Everyone's nervous.
You look at your friends' faces and they all seem quite calm except for Thomas, sitting next to you.

"I just want to know what's behind that door" Thomas exclaims fidgeting a knife in his hand.
"We've been over this, You said they were covered up, it could've been anything" Newt says to him.

"I know exactly what I saw, Aris said they bring them there every night"

"Who the hell is Aris?"

Thomas points at the guy, sitting alone, who's been here longer than anyone else.
"Hey, please calm down" you take his hand and gently stroke it with your thumb. But this time not even you could make him calm down.

Janson has finished his listing.

"Oh, another thing... Y/n?" Janson has turned around and is looking through the crowded room.
Your breath hitches and you stand up slowly.
"That's me.."

"You're the pregnant girl?"

*whispering in the room*

"Umm yes"

"Please come with me"

You're about to go when a hand grabs your wrist and you look back seeing Thomas with a worried look.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine" you smile at him.

"I can't have anything happen to you" he pulls you in close, your faces centimeters apart. "Not you and the baby"

"Thomas, I'm not weak and they won't hurt me or anyone" you place a quick kiss on his lips and then pull away.
As you're walking through the door, Thomas' hand turns into a fist and he looks evidently angry.

"As for now, we just need to keep our heads down and not draw any attention towards us." Newt says to Thomas who then bangs both his hands onto the table and stands up walking to the door you just disappeared through.

However you can only see a glance of him making a fuss in front of the guards as you're taken away.

You're brought to another medical room that's on a lower floor. You don't understand why, but it's for your best right?

You're sitting at the edge of the bed as you wait for something to happen. They have left you alone in the room again.

"Well good morning Y/n"

"Oh hello Dr. Crawford" (yeah let's say she told you her name yesterday)

She smiles and then walks around the bed to your side. "I'm sure you're wondering why we've taken you here again?"
You chuckle and then look at her. "Obviously"
"Well since you're a special case we want to make sure you're absolutely alright and we also thought about giving you an ultrasound to see the baby"

Your eyes light up and you smile slightly. "That would be amazing!"
"We'll have more opportunities to show you ultrasounds of your baby so we thought we'd bring you alone without the dad since we also wanted you to take more tests and give you updates"
"I see, thank you Dr."

my little one // Thomas x Reader (pregnancy) tmrWhere stories live. Discover now