Finally safe?

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we're free, safe and sound, aren't we?

Your eyes flatter open. It's dark, but the helicopter seems to have landed.
You hear screams from everywhere.
"Come come, QUICKER, come on"

You look around confused, as a hand grabs your arm and pulls you outside. You stumble to the ground but then quickly get up, putting one hand on your belly.
"Get up and run!"

It was one of those masked men. You glare at him and then run towards a big building. The others were on their way too. 'Where's Thomas?' you think to yourself. But as you look around you can hear another one: "Stop wasting time and run!"

You arrive at the big entrance and step inside where the other ones have been standing for a while now.
Thomas seems to have gotten something on the helicopter but is now on his way. And as he arrives the big metal door closes with a loud bang.

~time skip to Janson~

"So now you know about our little refuge" he looks at each of us. "But for now, go take a shower."

You step into the cold stream of water closing your eyes. The women's bathroom with its many shower cabinets is only occupied by you and you're happy about it. "I have no strength whatsoever to hold a conversation right now" you whisper as the water drips over your face.

You gently caress the little bump on your belly and smile. "Hey my baby, we are safe now, mommy loves you a lot"

Though a quiet noise startles you and you look around. 'It's probably nothing.' You turn around again facing the wall. But right at that moment you hear the curtains being pulled open and you gasp.
Before you can turn around two strong arms snake around you and pull you in towards them.

You toss and turn but the grip is too strong.

"What the h-"

"Shhh, don't be so violent mommy"

You blush slightly and your body relaxes. Turning around, you look into Thomas' grinning face. He's standing there with his hair soaked in water, a wet bare chest and a towel around his hips.

"You didn't have to scare me like that" you say pushing him away slightly.
"I'm sorry love, I missed you" he glances down at your body and your eyes widen because you've forgotten you were totally naked.

"Oh-" you quickly cover yourself with your towel and frown. "What do you want?"

"Hey hey, now, don't act like I haven't seen it all already" he winks and then steps closer towards you.
You shake your head and chuckle as he comes closer and takes your face into his hands.

"It has been only 10 minutes since we last saw eachother and you miss me already huh?" you tease him with a smile.
"That is only halfway correct, I missed being with you alone, in peace"

You quickly peck his lips and then put your hands on top of his. "Well let me finish my shower real quick yeah?"

"Excuse me, I will help you with that"

"No you aren't"

"Yes I am"

"No I'll do that by myself"

"You can't you're pregnant"

"That doesn't mean I can't-.."

"You're pregnant with MY child"

"Gosh, fine.."

He smiles his smile of victory and then grabs the body wash. "Ok take it off"
You look at him and then hesitantly take off the towel. Thomas gently rubs the body wash all over your body, taking special care around your belly. Drawing circles around it. "Am I not the luckiest man ever"

my little one // Thomas x Reader (pregnancy) tmrWhere stories live. Discover now