Attention! Grievers!

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chaos in the glade.. no flippity flappity fun

After about 20 minutes you and Thomas step outside your room. Your legs feel slightly wobbly but you try your best not to make anyone suspicious. As you arrive at the tables most have already finished and some already went to bed.

Thomas takes your hand as you walk a bit slower than him and looks back at you with a smirk.
„You look like a newborn deer babe"

You slap his arm „Is it my fault?"

„Well well, here you are"

„Hey Newt" you and Thomas say together.

„Look I'm not even going to ask, but come eat" He chuckles, turns around and then leads you to a table.

Frypan walks up to your table and gives out plates and then a portion for each. He glances down at you and then laughs. „You must be hungry after such exhaustion"

You blush hard and just start eating quickly, while Thomas laughs and gives Frypan a handshake. You give him an angry glare.

After having finished dinner Newt, Frypan, Minho, Thomas and you sit around a little fire they made next to the Homestead.

So about what you two have found today? Is it true that we can leave?" you ask the runners.

They look at eachother then nod. „Well it's not a 100% chance but we could try, it may get dangerous but we don't belong here" Thomas says and puts an arm around you caressing you gently.

You all talk a bit more about random things in the glade, as suddenly people start getting uneasy and some shouts were audible.

Winston is walking towards your group with a spear.

Thomas jumps up and stops him „Hey Winston, what's happening?!" Everyone starts standing up looking around.

„The doors, they're not closing!" He says with a shaking voice and walks away.

You stare at him as he walks and grab Thomas' arm unsure about what might happen now. He looks down at you and smiles reassuringly. „Hey, look at me, don't be scared okay? I'll protect you with my life"

You smile back still scared and walk alongside him towards the other gladers.

But soon enough there was a loud noise and another door opens, on the opposite side of the one that was usually open. And it goes on, in the end all 4 sides have openings to the Maze.

Everyone starts panicking. You run towards one of the open doors. Thomas runs right behind you. Slightly touching your lower back in a protective manner.

"Okay, Minho go gather all weapons, Chuck go with him" Thomas says.

You see something moving inside the Maze, you have no idea what it is. But the metallic sound and the screams following after from other Gladers make you stand there in shock.

"Grievers! They're here! Grievers!!"
Screams everywhere.

Thomas tucks on your shirt, harder everytime. "Y/n.. Y/N,.. COME!" he grabs your hand.
You turn around and run, while he pulls you with him.

Everyone starts hiding, absolute terror in each of the young faces. You are now all in the Homestead where ‚conferences' are usually held. A Griever can be heard from outside.

Total silence.

Thomas looks around nervously. All he can think about is protecting you and his baby. He stands in front of you, his arms out like a barrier. You glance over his shoulder to where the hut keeps rustling.

Suddenly, the Griever's tails comes shooting into the hut and grabbing the very first thing in its way. It was Chuck.

„NO" you scream and run towards him.
„Y/N, wait" Thomas runs after you and holds onto Chuck with you, while the others smash sticks onto the tail that was activating itself to sting the syringe into Chuck. One of them being Alby.

„Don't let go!" Thomas screams while breathing heavily.

„Well no shit!" Chuck screams back.

After a while the Griever let's go. Everything turns back to silence but no one expected it to return so quickly. And this time it took Alby.
You couldn't really tell what was happening anymore, there was a loud tingling in your ears, you could see Thomas holding onto Alby who said something to him but then let go. You want to scream but nothing comes out. Chuck is laying on the floor in front of you and soon enough you lose consciousness. The last thing you hear is Thomas screaming your name and you see him run towards you.

next morning —

You wake up to birds singing and a few rays of sunshine on your face. Turning around you see your boyfriend's face, still asleep, but he's holding onto you with a strong grip.
You see that someone has taken the two of you into a Slammer. ‚Why?' you shake your head and start remembering yesterday.

„Hey sunshine" Thomas has gotten up and is now sitting next to you. He's gently stroking one of your hands. You smile at him slightly.
„Yesterday was a mess."

„For sure"

„Do you perhaps know why they put us into the Slammer"

„I don't know exactly what's happening but yesterday I slammed a Griever syringe into my thigh"

„You did what? Are you stupid??" You put your hand onto his forehead and then cup his cheeks. He holds your hands and chuckles. „Baby, I wanted to recover my memories, I knew something was off"
His face then falls and he looks at you with a concerned face. „But why did you fall unconscious yesterday? I was so worried about you" he then lifts your shirt and kisses your belly over and over again. „and about our baby"

„I guess I was just overwhelmed babe, don't worry" you play with his hair.

Suddenly Newt and Minho arrive at your Slammer.

„Hi you two please cover up" Minho says in a joking tone.

„Whats happening guys?" Thomas asks them as he pulls down your shirt and smiles at you reassuringly.

„Well Gally has taken over and he is a 100% sure that what is happening right now is all your fault" Newt says.

„Well it can't really be Thomas' fault can it" you look at them and then to Thomas.

„It kinda is" he then says.

„What?" the three of you others say in unison.

„The people who put us in here... I used to work for them, I saw all of you, nearly drowning before arriving here, I'm one of them guys" he looks at you with a sad expression.
Everyone keeps silent until you break it. „No baby, you're not, at least not anymore, you're one of us now"

„She's right Tommy, it doesn't matter what you were before coming into the Maze, that version of you doesn't exist anymore"

Thomas smiles and slowly puts his arm around you.

„Well what's Gally intending on doing?" he then asks.

Minho shrugs. „You know what we do with people who break the rules or put other Gladers in danger"


welp let's go on with this next time!
Thank you very much for reading, also in my opinion my stories are getting worse lolll but anyways hehe :(
see ya love you all <3

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