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"We're going on a field trip"
"You'll see"
"Ohkey, I'll just go get ready and grab the girls"
"No, just us"
"Oh. Ohkey"
"Is that ohkey?"
"Ohkey, wear what you usually wear"
"Ohkey, then I'm ready to go"
"Perfect, the bus is waiting up on Half-Blood Hill"
"Yup, regular yellow school bus"
"Um ohkey"
"Let's go"

They got in the bus and Leo sat down in the back and patted the spot next to him for Piper to sit.
"Leo this, this feels familiar" Leo smirked at this. Piper didn't know it but Leo was re-creating memories hoping Piper would come around.
"Does it?"
The bus drove for about an hour and then it stopped.
"Come on" Leo said hopping up and dragging Piper out of the bus.
"Pick us up at midnight at the spot" Leo said to the bus driver and the bus driver held a thumbs up and drove off.
"Midnight! Leo it's 12:00 PM. That's 12 hours! Why do you need all this time here?"
"You'll see"
First Leo was taking them to the ice cream shop that they liked to go to every Friday as a tradition.
The little bell rang as they opened up the door.
"Leo, Piper! It's been so long since you guys have come in here. Every Friday, what happened?" they women at the counter said cheerfully.
""Hi Regina, two cones, mint chocolate chip please" Leo ordered.
"Yes, coming right up, on the house."
"Really!?" Piper said surprised.
"Anything for my favorite customers"
Regina scooped the ice cream and handed the cones to the two.
"Thanks Regina!" Leo said pushing open the door for him and Piper.
"Your welcome Leo. Come again soon."
"We will!"
The two walked with their ice cream. Then Leo stopped and sat down on the side of the fountain. Piper went over to join him.
"I've been here before. Multiple times. Every Friday, we got ice cream together and sat right here"
"You got it" Leo said.
"It's all coming back slowly"
"Perfect" Leo smirked. Then they finished their ice cream and walked around some more.
For the next few hours until 10:00 they ran around doing stuff that they used to while Piper's memory of all of it slowly recovered. Then at 10:30 they headed over to a certain little park and sat down on a familiar pair of swings.
Then they talked and laughed till 11:30 then Leo had one more surprise. He took Piper by the hand and dragged her too a building and they climbed to the top so secretly so no one would notice. This part of Leo's plan was very critical. They sat down on the roof and Leo pulled closer to Piper. Then he wrapped his arm around her. Piper blushed at this.
"So do you remember this,"
"Ya, Jason and I-"
"No, it was you and I. Do you remember what comes next?"
"Ya, um-" she was cut off by a swift kiss from none other than Leo. Just like the night on the roof. Leo had perfectly re-created it. When they pulled away Piper's eyes went slack.
All her mist memories of Jason replayed in her mind except she saw the truth, it really was all Leo. Then her eyes returned back to their normal color. And she coughed.
"Piper are you ohkey? You were out for 5 minutes."
"I'm fine, and I- I remember everything, and- and I missed you" she said crying into Leo's shoulder.
"I missed you too" he said comforting her.
"Thank you, Aphrodite." Leo whisper silently.
At exactly midnight the bus showed up and drove the two back to Half-Blood Hill. The two bid their fair wells and headed back to their cabins.
Leo was strolling happily and confidently back to his cabin when a pair of hands grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him into a cabin but he didn't know which one because it was dark. Then he noticed no other people. Then he noticed the sound of lightning. Oh shit.
"Oh shit" Leo said as his confidence wavered.
"Ya that's right. You should be afraid. You stole my girl" Jason said and he slapped Leo right on the cheek. Leo stumbled up.
"I'm sorry it's jus-" another slap. Leo didn't want a fight with his best friend but he knew it was coming.
"Jason, dude, I- I didn't mean for-"
"No, Leo Valdez. I trusted you, I know that Calypso left you-"
"Actually I left her"
"And I know you've always been the third wheel"
"Ya, I wasn't always the-"
"BUT YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO TAKE HER FROM ME!" and a punch in the jaw. With that Leo went out like a light.
"Oh good you're awake" Will said looked over Leo and handing him an Ambrosia square.
"Wh- why am I here?" Leo questioned eating the square.
"Do you want the truth, because the truth is gonna hurt."
"Um, ya" he said unsure.
"Jason knocked you out last night. Percy brought you in, he said he saw the whole thing though the window"
"Why was Percy out past midnight?"
"Ask Annabeth. Anyways, so Jason knocked you out, one slap there, another there, and one huge punch to the jaw."
"All because I took my girl back" Leo mumbled.
"What?" Will asked.
"Nothing. Just don't let Piper know that Jason did this to me or he'll hurt me worse."
"Ohkey, well bye" Leo said getting up.
"Leo, are you sure you don't want to stay here and rest for another-"
"Nah, I got to go"
"Take care dude. One square a day for the next 3 days. Doctor's orders"
"Mmmk. Bye Solace"
Ahehehehehheeheh. Liper. Jason needs to get over it. Maybe Brason will work out. 2k by 2015? K byeeee

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