*BOOK II: 6*

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"Have you find his location?"

"Yes Boss. He moved to Florida."

After taking my money he ran to Florida. That stupid fool!

"You may leave."

"Okay sir." As soon as he left I took out my phone dialling Marco's phone number. After two rings he picks up.

"Hey Silver, what's up?"

"We are going to Florida."

"What?! I love this place!"

"We are going to be done with that fool in a week."

"So we staying there for just a week?"

"Yes you can start preparing."

"Wh-" I ended the call and dialled Ryan's phone number. After a ring he picks up.

"Boss? Any problem?"

"Not really. We are going to Florida for a week. I need to deal with that bastard."

"You mean you finally got Mr. Brown's location?"

"Yes that bastard moved to another state. So you should start preparing."

"Okay Boss, right on it." With that I ended the call. I was just about to drop my phone. When it started ringing. Brittney. I let out an annoying sigh before picking it.

"Hey sweety pie."

"Why did you call?"

"You haven't been calling me lately and I miss you."

"You have nothing interesting to say?"

"Oh c'mon sweety pie. I need you. How about tonight at your place?"

I might even get bored in the whole week so why not let her ride along.

"I'm going to Florida for a week. Do you want to join?"

"Oh sweetie pie, I would love to."

"We are leaving on Sunday so be ready."

"I will." Then I hang up the call.

The John guy thinks he can still my money I made from the shipment and runaway with it? Never.

He's going to pay his dear life for it.


Everyone was ready as I instructed. We all jumped in our cars which consists of three cars. Ryan in one a red Mercedes, Marco in a red Ferrari and me with Brittney in a royal blue Lamborghini Aventador.

My car was in front leading. We decided to stay in a hotel for a week. It was a really long ride. So we went in the morning.

After what felt like ten hours we finally entered the board sign written Florida.

"Ooh finally we here." Brittney whines. I rolled my eyes at her before facing back at the road. My phone starts ringing. I took it out and saw Marco's name on it.


"We finally here."

"I know. Why did you call?"

"I'm thirsty man."

"I saw you with a 2 litre of water and a bucket of wings. What happened with them?"

"I don't know, the wings got lost in my tummy and the water? It's half but I'm tired of water I need beer "

"You sick."

AWRY LOVE [1 & 2]Where stories live. Discover now