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I got out if the car and quickly said 'goodbye' to Lyra before shutting her door.

I sigh before opening the door and going in. I silently close it. I try walking up the stair but stopped on my track when I heard mom's voice.


"Uh....yes mom?" I called back scratching the back of my head.

"Change your clothes and come eat dinner with us. Me and your Dad have something to tell you after dinner." She said. She sounds so calm that it scares me. I nodded my head forgetting she can't see me.

"Okay mom."

I quickly got in my room, closing it at the back. I take a deep breath in. Then out.

I need a bath maybe it will cool down my nervousness. I walk to my bathroom and striped off my cloths I am currently wearing. I wall in the shower and turned it on making it warm. Yeah it's working.

I don't know why I feel like what mom and dad are gonna tell me will be nothing good. I sigh and put soap on my body.

After showering I walk to my closet and put on a T-shirt and short shorts. Then finally making my way downstairs.

I got downstairs and made my way to the kitchen. I got there to not see anyone at the dinning table. But the food is already set. None of them have touched their food.

I made my way to the living room. I found both of them but something seems wrong. Dad is pacing around while Mom is searching for something.

"Max!! Darling please come out where ever you are." Mom yelled, she looks like She's on the verge of crying. Wait....... Did something happened to Max?!

I walk to dad and stopped him from continuing pacing around the living room, holding his arm.

"Max!! Max!! Where are you darling!!" Mom yelled again.

"Dad? Did something wrong happened?" I asked concerned.

"Yeah, we can't find Max."

"Where did you guys see him last?"

"He was here watching SpongeBob SquarePants." Dad said looks like his in deep thought.

"Did you guys check his room?"


"You and mom's room?"


"My room?"

"No, I don't think we checked."

"Why don't we go check my room. Maybe something scared him." I said to dad. He nods his head and follows me to my room.

We got in and start our search. "Max!!" I yelled.

"Max darling where are you?!"

After like twenty minutes of searching. We never seen him. I sigh and we both got downstairs. Mom is sitting on the couch crying. I walk over to her and hugged her, she continues to sob on my shoulder.

"We will find him mom." I said drawing circles at her back. Few tears fell from my eyes. Where could Max be? I know him, he doesn't like going out alone. He can't run away from us.

Suddenly we hear a loud noise coming from upstairs. More like from my room. The three of us quickly ran upstairs, mom being first, dad second and me last scared that someone just broke in.

AWRY LOVE [1 & 2]Where stories live. Discover now