*BOOK 11: 34*

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I let out a sigh as he continued.

"I know you guys would kill me after I have signed it!" He yelled earning a punch as his nose cracked from Antonio's punch.

"Then you would die a slow death till you sign it." Antonio said in his warning tone. "I'll put burns in your body till you sign it." Antonio said in a slow threatening voice starring mercilessly into Demian's eyes.

The room felt with silence, that was until Demian gulps loudly. After what felt like forever. He finally spoke.

"I need.....I need pen." He said. Sounding terrified. Like he just remembered who he is talking to.

"Good." Antonio said and stood straight up fixing his tuxedo. He took out a pen from his tuxedo and drops it on the table. He moved to Demian's back too remove the strong rope he is tied with.

"If you do anything stupid, you'll die at that spot." Antonio said as he finishes undoing the rope. He took out his silver gun, incase Demian tries anything.

Demian brought out his hands wincing as he rubs his wrists. He took the pen and started signing paper after paper.

I could feel the rope I had around me since I married him slowly removes. I mentally sigh in relief, not wanting them to noticed.

He finally finish signing the papers and drops the pen. Antonio took the paper and the pen from the table.

"Now can we fucking leave?" The weakling of a Beast asks.

"No." I said firmly. I took out the golden gun Antonio gave me. "You two don't deserve to live. You belong in hell." I said each word with venom in my voice. I raised it up, pointing it at them.

Everything felt like it happened in slow motion. Demian got out of the chair took out the gun in his hand but Antonio was able to shoot him. I stared in shock at the unexpected action.

"Larisa!" My wide eyes moved from Demian's bleeding body on the floor to Antonio who is running towards me. "Use the gun!" He yells pointing at someone behind me.

I turned to see The Beast pointing a gun towards me with an evil smirk on his face. How did he-

I was cut off has Antonio engulfs me with a hug as he shoots at The Beast. I wasn't facing there anymore. I turned only for my eyes that widens with fear.


He stood at the opened cell gate with a sadistic smile on his face, pointing his gun at me.

I looked down at my gun in my hand before looking back at him. I can't shoot him.

He's Antonio's brother right?

I tapped on Antonio's back. He turns to me and I pointed at Marco. His eyes widen and he turns us around. Next thing I know, I wasn't facing Marco anymore. I was facing The Beast dad body on the floor. I heard three bullet sounds echoing in the air.

I turned to Antonio, he also turns to me. He had a confused look of pain on his face. I look down for any gunshot on his body.

I found two.

One on his abdomen and the other on his chest. My eyes fills with tears. He falls on me with his arm hanging on my shoulder. I drop to the ground with him. A sob left my mouth.

My eyes moved to the cell gate, to find Marco on the floor with a pool of his blood around him.

I turned to Demian's body on the floor pooled with his blood to, same goes for the Beast.

I turned back to Antonio on my laps. "Antonio! Wake up it's over now. Antonio please wake up." I said softly slapping his cheek. I got nothing. Another sob escapes from my mouth. Tears stream down my cheeks.

Few seconds later his men started rushing in. They gave me look of guilt as they help carry Antonio's heavy body off me. I stood up immediately following them out of the mansion.

My eyes continuously spill out tears as I try wiping some away not caring if Antonio's blood on my hands are now smudged on my face.


The nurses and doctor continues to rolling Antonio's unconscious body, rushing him to a specific room.

Few seconds later we reached the double doors written ICU. Two nurses rush to the door and open it wide. They pushed him in. I tried following in but they restricted me from entering.

"Sorry mam, you can't enter. You will have to wait till we are done." The nurse said holding me back.

"Okay, okay." I said wiping my tears. He will be fine. He will be right? I went to the bench close by and say on it.

The problem is I got back up few seconds later and since then I couldn't stay one place.


If Antonio dies, I will kill myself. That's what I concluded for myself.

This all happened because of me. Because of my stupid life! He did all this for me, because of me. He ended my misery but he got pulled into it. He wouldn't have been here right now if I hadn't come back to his life. Everything would have been normal for me.

I couldn't stop crying, I couldn't calm down. All I thought of is what life could be for me without him. How will I cope? I can't.

"Larisa, please calm down. Everything is going to be alright. He will survive it." Ryan said sitting on the bench calmly.

"It's already been an hour and a half they have been there!" I yelled shaking. "Don't fucking tell me to calm down. You have no idea!" I said tears streaming down my cheeks.

Everything was fine three hours ago. How did it all turn to this mess?

It has been an hour and a half since they rushed him in there. The nurses keeps running in and out not telling me anything.

It just scares me even more. I can't think straight. My mind is all puzzled.

The door opens once again. I turned to the door. The doctor gets in for the first time. Ryan got up while I rushed to the doctor.

"Doctor, is he okay? Is he alright? Is he going to be okay?" I throw questions at him expecting him to answer soon.

The doctor looks down, moving his eyes away from me. I pulled on his collar.

"Doctor, say something!" I yelled at his face.

"Doc, what's going on with him?" Ryan asks by my side.

"I'm sorry." He starts. He shook his head then faces us. "We did our best."

"W-what are you trying to tell me?" I asked with my shaking voice.

The doctor let's out a sigh.

"We lost him." He says.

Not my Antonio.






LOVE YOU ALL!!!💋❤️💗💖😘💕👍

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