A Relationship in the Making

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31: Kaitlyn

"That's adorable," Dani said. I had just hung up with Mason and Dani sat on my bed in front of me. She and Brandon said we didn't have the proper "end of school celebration" that we always did, so they had showed up right after I got home.

"It really is. Where are you going?" Brandon asked.

"He asked me to go on his mom's boyfriend's boat tomorrow."

"Oh my gosh he did?!" Dani squealed and hugged me so hard it hurt. Brandon was lying on the floor and he just shook his head at us.

"Dani, can't breathe."

"Sorry, sorry. Wait, so his mom's boyfriend has a boat?" I nodded.

"Sweet. Is it just going to be you four?"

"No. I'm not sure if his mom is actually going. He didn't say. But Connor, her boyfriend, is bringing his nice and nephew, so I guess he invited Mason along."

"Oh, so he's introducing the family? Wow. Big step. He invited you too?"

"No, Mason did. Connor told him he could have a guest." Dani nodded in understanding.

"Wait, you said your dad went out with Michelle last night. Do you know how it went?" Brandon asked.

"No, I came home before they did last night. I crashed early. I hope it went well though."

"Me too, they should have gotten together a long time ago," Dani said.

"Ronnie and I have been saying that for years. So, how was the party last night?"

"I didn't drink like I promised. Neither did Randy. We cheated at a drinking game and it was hilarious."

"How do you cheat at a drinking game?" I asked.

"We all played never have I ever at the end of the night and they filled their cups up with soda," Dani said with a scowl towards Brandon who couldn't stop laughing.

"Dani barely drank anything, but Curtis had done most of the things we said."

"I had a few drinks before that, so we both got pretty much wasted."

"Marina did too, Ronnie only had like a few sips of his drink I think, but he's done some pretty weird things, Kaitlyn."

"You know what? I don't even want to know okay?"

They both looked like they were trying to hold back a laugh. I wasn't all that happy that my friends were doing drinking games with my little brother, especially since they were all under age. There was nothing I could do about it though, at least they were all safe now.

"I think we should watch a movie," Brandon said.

"Oh my gosh I want to watch What to Expect when You're Expecting!" Dani called out.

"Really?" Brandon asked, not sounding all too thrilled.

"It's a good movie," she defended.

"I was thinking Harry Potter marathon."

"No, we are not going to stay up all night, Kaitlyn has an amazing date tomorrow that starts at 11:00!"

"Oh yeah, right. You need a good night's sleep. Only one movie and then you're going to bed." I laughed at my ridiculous friends and realized just how much I loved having them in my life.

"What to Expect when You're Expecting it is!" Dani hollered as she hopped off my bed to put the DVD in the player. My room at my aunt's house was much larger than the one I used to have, so I could have a larger bed instead of a twin one. We all piled onto it to watch the movie, Brandon grudgingly agreeing to pay attention and put his phone away.

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