A Question in the Garden

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19: Kaitlyn

            Who would have ever thought I’d end up falling for Mason Heveret? Who would have ever thought he’d be the one to save me? “Save me” was a peculiar choice of words for our relationship, but it was accurate. I was almost positive I would have been depressed if I didn’t find that light in the dark, like he said. We were already halfway through May and there was five days before my dad would be taken off Life Support. Ronnie and I had already started packing up the house and got ready to move in with Aunt Grace. I cried and Dani had to spend the night with me the day we found out that even if dad did wake up, we’d have to move in with her anyways. I couldn’t hold down two jobs anymore, especially with finals coming up soon.

            My mom showed up last weekend. I wasn’t home because I was working, but Ronnie threw her out of the house. He told me he screamed at her and told her that he never wanted her back in our lives. He yelled at her about how I was working my butt off and she just left us. She left after that and we hadn’t seen her since.

I was now with Mason and Curtis at Mason’s apartment watching a movie. Dani left to go get snacks and soda from the convenience store and would be back soon. I laid with my head on Mason’s chest, so I stuck my legs over Curtis’s lap.

            “Ew no! Get your smelly feet away from my face!” He shoved them off the couch, making me fall along with them.  

            “They are not smelly!” I said from the floor. The two just laughed at me.

            “I have arrived!” Dani said as she strutted into the living room with two plastic bags in her hands. She dropped the Cheetos in my lap and put the Tostitos and cheese dip on the coffee table. Then she got out the sodas and Mason went to the kitchen to get cups. The movie ended and I searched through Mason’s small amount of DVD’s for another one to watch.

            “Oh! We’re watching this one!” I said as I waved Forest Gump in the air. As the movie started I sat on the floor in front of Mason and he began to idly play with my hair. Dani had her head on Curtis’s shoulder and his arm was around hers. We got halfway through the movie when my phone started to ring.

            “Alright Kaitlyn! You just officially ruined the movie!” Dani yelled. I rolled my eyes at my best friend and went out of the room to take the call.

            “Hey Aunt Grace.”

            “Kaitlyn?” There was something in her voice that made something sink in my stomach.

            “What’s wrong?”

            “I’m not sure… it’s your father. The hospital just called and asked me to go there. I’m in Meridan so I can’t get there soon enough. Can you please go and see what happened?” By now I was trying to hold back my tears and I managed to get out a weak “sure” before hanging up. I walked back into the living room to grab my shoes and keys.

            “That was Aunt Grace” I choked out, “the hospital called and I have to go and see my dad.”

“Oh my God what happened?” Dani asked.

“They didn’t say. You guys can keep watching the movie if you want-”

“No, I’m coming with you.” This was Mason and I shot him a grateful look because I really didn’t want to face whatever this was alone.

“So am I, Curtis?” Dani looked towards her boyfriend and he nodded.

“Of course.”

“Should I try to find Ronnie?”

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