A Runaway Back in the Treatment Ward

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29: Kaitlyn

I woke up smiling. I didn’t care that I had to go to work. I didn’t care that I would have to see Dan this early in the morning. I was happy. That was the first time I woke up like that in a very long time. I got ready for work and left the house at 7:00. The early time didn’t even bother me. I knew everyone was still sleeping, so I tried to be as quiet as possible. Ronnie had come home in the middle of the night and I had a hunch that Marina was with him. Dad and Michelle weren’t even home by the time I was last night. And I still didn’t care. I got to work and the shift flew by. I decided to walk to Mason’s and surprise him with breakfast.   

I began my walk with a strange feeling. It was almost as if someone were following me. Then I stopped walking, the pit of my stomach sinking. I pulled out my phone and was ready to call Mason, whose apartment building wasn’t far from there, when a hand was laid on my shoulder. I jumped, screamed, and turned around all at once. That’s talent right there.

            “Kaitlyn, its’ okay. It’s me.” Rory pulled me in for a hug and I pushed him away.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“Babe, what do you mean?”

“Babe?” I said incredulously. Then it dawned on me. “Rory, do you remember the conversation you had with me? Or Mason?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Do you remember when I had to remind you that you almost raped me!” My voice was raised and he just looked utterly confused.

“I… what?” This didn’t make any sense. He said he had been away for treatment. No hospital would have let him check out in his condition. Unless…

“Oh my God. Rory, what was the name of the hospital you stayed at?”

“How do you-”


“Jeez, okay, okay. Calm down will you? Jonesland Hospital in-”

“Come on.” I grabbed his wrist with one hand, pulling him behind me, and dialed Mason’s number with the other.


“Mason, are you awake?”

“Yeah, why?”

“I was walking to your house – I have breakfast for you by the way - and I stumbled upon Rory.”

“Oh my God, are you okay? Do you need help?”

“No, he does.”

“Kate what’s going on?”

“I’m being a good Samaritan. And getting this sleaze ball out of my hair.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I’m at your apartment building with Rory and we’ll be up in a minute. Google the Jonesland Hospital a few towns over and get their number.”

A Light in the DarkМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя