A Mumbling Curtis in the Car

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14: Mason

Ronnie was the first to notice that Kaitlyn was missing. I had already helped Curtis into the car and he was mumbling incoherently to himself. Ronnie began to freak out because he told me he had seen Rory at the party earlier. I ran back into the house and looked into the crowd of people. It was a good thing that I was so tall because I stood over almost everyone there.   

I spotted Kaitlyn and saw Rory kissing her. The evil monster of jealousy began to claw at my insides. Wow, I didn’t know I could really feel that way. When Kaitlyn pulled away it was with a jerk and I saw surprise and blood on Rory’s face. She slipped away from him and I tried to maneuver towards her. The fear on her face was evident and the second we locked eyes I could see the relief that flooded through her. She reached for my hand and I grabbed hers and squeezed. We made it out of the house and I could hear her breathing, loud and heavy.

“Kaitlyn, was it Rory? I saw him earlier and-” Ronnie was cut off by her running to him and hugging the life out of him. When she turned back to me I saw tears streaking her cheeks and making her makeup run.

“I’m going to take Ronnie and Marina home in Dani’s car.” She put her hand on my chest and leaned up on her tiptoes to give me a small kiss. “Thank you,” she whispered. She turned and grabbed her brother’s left hand whose right hand was in Marina’s. I watched her get in the car with the giggling Dani and drive off. I slid into Curtis’s dad’s car and looked behind me to see Curtis passed out in the back seat. Rolling my eyes, I started up the car and pulled away from the party.

A?N This isn't even a chapter... its more of a paragrph

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