A Savior in the Night

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6: Kaitlyn

Dan completely flipped when I got to work half an hour late. The walk from Brandon’s was a long one, and my already tired feet barely made it through the shift. The walk home from work is a fairly short distance, only about a fifteen minute walk. I try to use the car as little as possible; we really need the money right now. The sky was darkening with every passing minute and I knew I should try to hurry to make it home before dark, but my aching feet and tired eyes didn’t allow me to quicken my pace.

If I hadn’t been so tired, I might have recognized the car pulling up beside me. When the driver got out, a red flag did go up in my mind. I hoped they wouldn’t see me in the shadows of the building I was passing, but just as I was about to run, a hand closed around the back of my shirt. A scream ripped through my throat, but was cut short by a callused hand closing over my mouth. I was dragged into the alley next to the building and slammed into the wall. I would recognize that smell anywhere, the hands and arms, his hair. He was so familiar that my body told me to relax. My mind, on the other hand, was screaming at me to get away, now. My back exploded in pain as I was slammed against the wall for a second time. I wasn’t defenseless though and when my knee came up into his gut, he let out a grunt of surprise. When I flung my elbow into his shoulder he backed away, but not far enough.  

            Within seconds I was back against the wall, his legs pressing mine into the brick and his hands holding my arms against my sides.

“I hear your daddy isn’t here to keep us apart anymore,” his breath was hot against my face and I tried to keep from cringing. I could smell the alcohol he’d been drinking.

“Shut up! Get away from me! Help!” I screamed as loud as I could, but he only smiled.

“You know there’s no one around to hear you here. No one who will care to help, anyways.” His lips lunged for mine, but I twisted my head so he was mashed against my hair instead. A low chuckle escaped his mouth.

“You’re a tricky one. But I still love you, why do I do these things for you?”

“You’re insane,” my momentary shock was enough to get my guard down, if only a little. Suddenly, his lips were against mine. It was familiar and horrifying at the same time. As he reached for the hem of my shirt I did the only thing I could think to do and raked my nails against his face. He backed away and this time it was enough for me to escape. I tried to sprint away, but he pulled me around and had me in his clutches again. The first punch sent blinding light to my eyes and an explosion of pain to my jaw. I could taste blood in my mouth as I hit the ground. The kick to the ribs is what did it and the tears began to stream freely from my face.

“How dare you try to leave me! I love you! I love you and you don’t care!”

“Please stop,” my voice came out as a hoarse whisper and I was startled by my own weakness. I couldn’t let him get to me, not again. My dad wasn’t here to help me this time. I had to get away on my own. A burst of adrenaline got me off the ground and punching him in the gut. I hoped that it was still in pain from when I kneed him, but it wasn’t enough. I was slammed into the ground and my head made a sickening cracking noise against the dirt. My vision was spotted with black and I couldn’t hear what Rory was saying over the rush of blood in my ears.

            The pressure of his body was against mine, but I was in too much pain to register anything. My head was pounding and my jaw was on fire. The place where he kicked me felt like an elephant had sat on it and my breath was coming out small, rushed, and ragged. Tears came non-stop and his body on top of mine was taking the breath out of my lungs. As quickly as the pressure had come, it was gone. Rory was lifted off of me and I could here scuffling behind me. My tired and beaten limbs refused to move. My head exploded in another blast of pain. I realized I was drifting between consciousness and unconsciousness. I heard yelling and punching and then the distant squeal of tires. The tears didn’t stop.

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