A Flashback in the Living Room

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21: Kaitlyn

            After fourth period ended, I was starving. I headed straight to my locker to get my lunch that Aunt Grace so nicely made for me and stuffed it in my backpack. I put away my period 1-4 things and grabbed my period 5-7 things, just so I wouldn’t have to come back to my locker, and swung the door shut with a slam. I was about to hurry my way to the cafeteria when someone ripped my backpack from my hands and pushed me so hard that I fell to the ground. That really hurt my butt. I looked up into the face of Ashley Small, the one person I wasn’t expecting. I rolled my eyes and got up from the ground, rubbing my burning elbows. I calmly picked up my backpack and made to walk away, but she pulled my arm back.

            “Where do you think you’re going?

            “I don’t want to deal with you right now, Ashley.”

            “I heard that you’re dating Mason Heveret now.”

            “How the heck did you hear that?” News really does travel fast these days. I thought.

            “That doesn’t matter, I just want to warn you off him.”

            “And why’s that?”

            “He’s a drunk just like his dad, and-”

            “Ashley, why are you telling me this?” I could feel the rage bubbling up inside me at her words, but I knew I couldn’t let her get to me. Not after all of these years. I knew better.

            “He only wants to sleep with you. You’re probably not going to be that good anyways. After he realizes that he’ll finally come back to me.” We were doing this now? Really?

            “Don’t you have enough boy toys to play around with Ash?”

            “Don’t call me that!” She screamed. I just smirked at her, even though her nails were biting into the skin on my arm.

            “I’m done here Ashley.” Better to get myself out than to make things worse and get in a fight.

            “No you’re not.” She ripped my arm back and I felt her nails scrape my skin. That definitely drew blood. My phone chose that moment to ring.

            “Ashley I swear to God if you do not get away from me I will rip your fake nails right off your fingers.” I grabbed her hand with my free arm and tried to pry it off. That’s when she slapped me and my face began to sting. She let go of my arm.

            “Take my warning because if you don’t I’ll be back. And answer your phone already!” Then she stormed down the hallway.   

            “Hello?” I answered my phone, not bothering to look at the caller ID.

“Kaitlyn are you okay?” Dani’s voice filled me ear.

“Yeah, just had another run-in with the Wicked Witch of the West.”

“I knew it!” she hissed, “But you’re okay?” she added.

“Yeah, my arm is bleeding, and I’m hungry but I’m fine.”

“Why is your arm bleeding?”

“The She-Devil’s fake freaking nails.”

“Her arm’s bleeding? Why is her arm bleeding?” I smiled to myself when I heard Mason’s voice behind Dani’s.

“She’s fine, nothing bad,” I heard Dani reply, “Are you on your way?” her voice was clear again as if she moved her mouth back next to the speaker.

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