A Fight in the Hallway

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20: Mason

            After Lion King ended, everyone started to head home because it was a Sunday and we all had school the next day. Marina and Ronnie had been driven here by Dani, but Kate took them home. Brandon went in Randy’s car and I did not want to be stuck in the same car as them again (that’s how I got to Dani’s) so I asked Curtis to drive me home. I kissed Kate goodbye and then crossed my arms while leaning against the open front doorframe. I cleared my throat and Dani and Curtis jumped apart from their make-out session.

            “Come on, buddy. You’ll see her tomorrow, but I need a ride home.”

“Can’t Sarah just drive you?”

“She’s not going home, we’ve already had this conversation.”

“Right, she’s going to her friend’s house. Got it.” He kissed Dani one last time and jogged out the front door. “Hurry up slowpoke! We’ve got school tomorrow you should be in bed!” I rolled my eyes at him, but then got in the car and he drove me to my apartment. I noticed that the car was parked in our parking space so that meant my mom was home.

            “Thanks man.”

            “See you tomorrow.” I got out of his car and he drove out of the parking lot as I made my way towards the apartment building. That’s when I saw someone’s silhouette unhitch themselves from the wall and walk out of the shadows. Although I’d only seen this guy twice, I immediately knew who this was.

            “Rory Thens.”

            “Mason Heveret.” He just looked at me for a few seconds before his hand reached out and slammed me against the wall.

“What you wanna rape me?” I scoffed in his face, but he moved his hand around my neck so he cut off my airways.

            “What?” He looked genuinely confused. He just shook his head and continued to talk. “I just want to warn you off my girl. Don’t think I don’t see her coming here every day. Stay away from Kaitlyn.” He shoved me one last time and then let me breathe again. I gasped for breath and I would have gone after him, but I knew my mom was home and my apartment was two stories above my head with the lights on and the windows open. Wouldn’t want my mom to get involved in this if she heard fighting outside. So I just let the jerk walk away and didn’t move until he turned the corner a block away. Then I made my way into the building and up the stairs.

            “Hey mom. I’m home.”  I passed the living room to see her watching Full House on TV while eating a heated chicken dinner.

“Hey Mason. How was the celebration?” At the mention of the party my depressive state from running into Rory completely faded. Kaitlyn had agreed to be my girlfriend.

“It was fun. How’d you know about it?”

“Sarah told me. She also told me it was for Kaitlyn and her family.” Her stare was suggestive and I just laughed as I sat down next to my mom.

“Yeah, her dad just woke up from a coma.”

“So I’ve heard. He wasn’t at my hospital though, I would have tried to help had I known-”

“Mom, hey. Calm down. He’s been there for a while, you’re an ER nurse, you couldn’t have done anything.”

“You’re right, sorry. So… tell me.”

“Tell you what?”

“I’m your mother, Mason. I know when you have had a good day and by the look in your eyes you have had a very good day.”

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