A Few Songs in the Festival Booth

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28: Mason


“I’m holding on a rope got me ten feet off the ground…” I finished Apologize by One Republic in front of my entire class. Yes, my entire class of five people. It was my last final exam of the week and I knew my One Republic medley aced the class. My teacher clapped her hands and, as I was the last one to present, dismissed us. There were only three days of school left and I was elated. I hated this school and the preppy rich kids that came along with it. Granted, the past month had been considerably more bearable with Kaitlyn, but I was beyond ready for summer. Kaitlyn was unlocking her car when I ran up to her, wrapping my arms around her waist and spinning her around. She giggled and when I set her down, she turned around to kiss me.

“PDA!” Curtis screamed in my ear. I shoved my hand in his face while continuing to kiss my girlfriend. I felt Kate smile against my lips and then she pulled away and whooped, her fist in the air.

“Finals are over!” She got more whoops back from Dani and Curtis.

“How are we celebrating?” Brandon asked as he walked up to us, hand-in-hand with my cousin. I decided not to glare at Randy. I settled with a look of indifference. Kaitlyn took my hand and leaned her head on my shoulder.

“Well,” Curtis scratched the back of his neck, “Callum is having a party tonight…” he trailed off and my position stiffened. Kate felt it and gave my hand a soft squeeze.

“A party? Oh I want to go!” Dani said, sounding incredibly excited.

“I’d be cool with a party,” Randy said, “Brandon?”

“Yeah, why not?” Brandon answered back. Curtis looked at me.

“Look Mas, if you don’t want to-”

“You guys go. Have a good time. I’m sure I wouldn’t be invited anyways.” I looked down at Kate, “you can go with them if you want.”

“Nah, my brother is going to that party. I don’t need to feel like his babysitter. You better have a designated driver though,” she pointed at our friends, “and if you’re all wasted you stay there until you’re sober or you call someone who isn’t drunk to pick you up. Do you understand?”

 “That’s my intimidating Kaitlyn,” I said and she gave me a pointed look.

“This is not a joke.”

“Kaitlyn, don’t worry. I won’t drink I promise,” Brandon put a hand on her shoulder and she sighed with relief.

“Do me a favor and look out for Ronnie if you can.”

“I will.”

“Thank you.”

“Well that settles it,” Curtis said, “PAAAARTAAY!”


“Wow,” Kaitlyn breathed, looking around at all of the festivities. The town green was holding a music festival and there was every element of music you could possibly think of. There were different booths all with different genres of music in each one. Given, this wasn’t your normal music festival with a band on stage and everyone crowding in front of it.

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