A Bunch of Memories in the Photo Album

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Epilogue: Kaitlyn 

I called in to work sick. I couldn't breathe out my nose, couldn't stop coughing, and had a 100 degrees fever. I was definitely sick. And as I do sometimes when I feel like reminiscing, I looked through my photo albums as I lay there on my couch wrapped in about four huge blankets.

First, I picked out my favorite one. It had a few pictures from each of the biggest events in my life. I added onto it each year and it was more of a scrapbook than a photo album.  I loved adding to it, but lately there hadn’t been much time to do that. The book made it so I was able to add pages to it wherever I wanted and it was a college graduation present from my step-mom, Michelle.

The first page is of my high school graduation. There’s one of Dani and me hugging, of course we were crying. There’s a picture of Mason and Curtis. There’s another one of Mason and I kissing. He knocked my cap off in the midst of it. There another one of Mason, his mom and Connor, my dad and Michelle, and me. I smiled at the pictures and turned to the next page.

The next two pages consisted of college move-ins and college graduations. I went to Dani’s college graduation and there’s one of her and her boyfriend. Since she and Curtis went to different colleges they decided to break up at the end of senior year, since they knew long-distance relationships never work out.

Mason and I went to the same college, my aunt and Connor paid for some of our tuition, but we still had to take out a lot of student loans. There’s pictures from Curtis’s graduation too, he and Mason kept in touch. I couldn’t make it to Brandon’s graduation because I caught the flu. In between the two is a page of pictures from Mason’s concert in the middle of our junior year at college. He and a few other guys from his dorm preformed every night that week. They were really popular and really good too. On the back of that page were a few random pictures that Mason and I took together during school.

Then there’s my dad’s wedding and Mason’s mom’s wedding. Suzanne and Connor got married and they had a semi-large wedding. They invited their friends, Mason and I invited our friends from high school and college, and my dad and Michelle came. Connor’s parents and his siblings with their kids came as well. Suzanne’s parents had already passed away so she had Mason walk her down the isle. I cried.

My dad and Michelle had a small wedding with Ronnie, his girlfriend, Mason and I, and my aunt Grace, since it was in her backyard.

Next to that was Moving Day. After Michelle helped my dad (finally) get back on his feet, they were able to move into the house I’d lived in all my childhood, which we had rented out for years. Mason, Ronnie, and I all showed up to help early in the morning and Ronnie’s girlfriend, Amanda, (Marina and Ronnie broke up their junior year) showed up after her work shift was over. There’s a picture of my dad and Michelle kissing in front of the door to the house, but my dad’s hand was stretched out to block out some of the shot.

The next page had a few pictures from my wedding. I had all of the other pictures in their own book, but I slid some in here. I loved my dress, it was perfect for me. It wasn’t too large and poufy or too tight and thin.

Mason’s sister, Sarah; Ronnie’s girlfriend, Amanda; and my roommate from college were my three bridesmaids, while Dani was my maid of honor. Mason had Curtis and a few guys from his dorm in college and my brother as groomsmen. My flower girls were Brandon’s two little sisters even though they weren’t quite young enough.

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