A Crisis in the Country Called America

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10: Kaitlyn

            Work was hectic. The roof leaked and killed half the machines. The “Big Boss”, what Dan calls him, came and told us that he wouldn’t mind giving us paid vacations because of our home ‘situations’. I told him that wasn’t necessary, but he insisted. I didn’t bother trying to ask what Dan’s life was like at home. So, Dunkin Donuts is closed for renovations for the rest of the week and I’m getting a paid vacation, I guess my life can have some positive points for once! Honestly though, American crisis: Dunkin Donuts is closed. Dani had decided to stay and wait for my shift to be over on the grounds that she wanted girl time. Not that I could sit there and talk with her, but she enjoyed annoying Dan so she just talked with me over the counter as I worked the drive-through. We only had about an hour shift before the rainwater became a puddle on top of the stove.

            Dani drove me home in the rain and we went straight to my room. She hasn’t been able to make our schedules fit together with her family company and her boyfriend…

“You have to tell me about Curtis!”

“There’s nothing to tell, not really anyways.” She sat behind me as she straightened my hair and it felt so normal and girly that I just felt myself floating in a place of bliss. Just for those moments, I forgot about the problems swirling around my life right now.

“Oh come on Dani!”

“Alright, alright! Well, we went out for ice cream the other night and sat in the park eating it. When we were done, we sat there, looking at the stars. He had his arm around me and we were talking. Then, we were kissing. I mean it was just like that.”

“Dani!” I squealed like a little girl and she joined with me.

“He brought me around the school to his hangout after school today…”

“Oh girl, spill!”

“Well at first, we were just talking and that lasted like an hour I guess. Then the conversation led to the ice cream night and…”

“Dani stop pausing!”

“I’m sorry mfusing bbby pins!” She said around the bobby pins in her mouth. I laughed and she put my hair into two cute braids around my head leading to a fish tail in the back.

            We spent the rest of the night just talking about school gossip until she asked about me and I told her about the past couple days. Dani hates Rory probably more than I do, and that’s saying something, so when I told her she kind of flipped. She helped me with my bruises and cuts, then we took pictures to post on Instagram. Eventually, she had to leave and I was so tired that I just laid down without taking the makeup off or fixing my hair. I was about to fall completely into the dark envelop of sleep when I heard my room door open. I felt my bed dip next to me and I slowly raised myself up into a sitting position.

“Hey,” I said softly to Ronnie.

“I…. I visited dad earlier. He’s getting worse.”

“I know. I know, I don’t now what we should do.”

“Do you…. Do you think he’s suffering?”

“No, no I think he’s asleep. He’s dreaming and doesn’t feel a thing.”

“Nice try sis, what do you really think?” I laughed lightly at the fact that he caught my lame attempt to give him comfort.

“You know, Ronnie. I honestly have no clue. I’m not a doctor and I just…. I’m sorry,” I

wiped away the small tears rolling down my face and looked at my little brother.

“I’m getting a paid vacation this week so I’ll visit him every day.”

            He looked at me and just nodded. Then he took the blanket from the end of my bed and lay down horizontally at the foot of my bed, just like we used to when we were kids. I smiled to myself and shrank under the covers, letting sleep come over me.


sorry, another short chapter with another lame title...

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