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Me: Donnie, now that me and Clarisa and I are turtles, do you think that this changes anything between us?

Donnie: *confused* What do you mean?

Me: *poking her fingers together* I mean - do you find me weird now that I look like you guys?!

Donnie: *flustered* W-what?! Where is this coming from?!

Me: I was just wondering.

Donnie: Oh. Well, to answer your question, no, this does not change anything between us.

Me: R-really?!

Donnie: *taking her hands* (so sappy now, are we?) In my eyes, you're still my sweet pancake, (I'm getting hungry now) and I am still your knight in shining armor.

May: *running into the lab and hiding behind Moti* Moti, your sister has gone stark, raving mad!

Me: *sighing* What did she do now?

May: Its not what she did. Its what happened. You know Raph's turtle that got mutated?

Me: Spike? What about him?

May: Well, he came barging into the lair and caught everyone by surprise. Raph and Leo and Mikey immediately recognized him and introduced him to us.

Me: And what's so bad about that?

May: Spike sat on the couch but didn't realize that Clarisa's scythe was on the couch. When he got up, the scythe was broken clean in half! Clarisa went berserk and is now attacking him!

Donnie: *panicking at this point* But Spike's bigger that her! What was she thinking?!

May: *grabbing Moti's hand* Come help me!

(When they arrive at the living room)

Me: *seeing the situation and immediately realizing what May asked her to deal with* Oh shell. He grew.


Clarisa: *hitting Spike's shell while swatting Shadow away, who was in her demon mode and trying to pry her away* SHELL, NO! UNLESS YOU'RE WILLING TO PAY FOR THE NEW SCYTHE I HAVE TO ORDER!

Donnie: Is she fighting with Leo's katanas?

May: Mmhmph. That's why Leo's huddled in that corner.

Me: *walking towards the fighting pair* Alright, let's take this outside. *drags them out of the lair*

Raph: *growling* The dork is going to pay for attacking Spike.

Yinte: *giving Raph the -_- look* He sat on her scythe, babe. The least he could do was apologize and offer to replace it.

Shadow: *going to back to her human form* Maybe. But we really don't need that much excitement.

Sarein: *trying to soothe a distressed Leo* True enough. *looks at her phone to see her notifications* We don't have time to discuss this now, guys.

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