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(after taking some tests)

Donnie: Okay, so I'm not sure how long this is going to last. The tests weren't conclusive. 

Clarisa: Really? Does that mean I'm going to stay as a turtle forever?!

Me: It wouldn't be so bad, right? I mean, from what I see-

Clarisa: You would have more in common with your boyfriend, so you want to stay a turtle?

Donnie and Me: *blushing so hard*

Clarisa: *giving them the lenny face as she walks away* I'll just let you guys have some together time, and I am walking out of here.

(in the living room)

YInte: So, what did Donnie say?

Clarisa: Inconclusive tests. Unsure of lasting period. You know, the usual bla bla bla bla. Anyways, I'mma go get me some hot chocolate. Bye! *runs to the kitchen*

Raph: Welp, nice to know that she's still the same even though she's a turtle.

Keira: Was that sarcasm I heard?

Raph: *smirking* Yeah, and what are you going to do about it, dork?

Clarisa: *running in* Someone call me?

Sarein: What the- No! Raph called Keira a dork. He wasn't calling you.

Clarisa:*suddenly looking tired* I don't have the energy to deal with this. Wake me up when something interesting happens. *falls onto the rug and passes out*

Leo: Holy dojo, is she okay?

Me: *running out of the lab with a red face*

Sarein: Ooooh~someone had fun in there.

Me: S-shut up. *looking down at Clarisa* Is she okay?

Keira: I guess the whole experience finally got to her. She just passed out. 

Me: *shrugging* Eh, she'll be okay. So, what do mutant turtles do in their free time?

Leo: Um, training. Training. And more training. And since you two will be like this for a while, this is a perfect time for me to train you two. 

Clarisa: *falling on the floor* NUUUUUUUUU! Why?!

Leo: *sweatdropping* Mainly because you two need to train with the rest of us.

Clarisa: *running out of the living room* YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME, SUCKER!

Leo: Does anyone want to go get her?

Sarein: I'll do it. *walks away* CLARISA! GET YOUR MUTATED BUTT BACK OVER HERE!

Clarissa: *from far away* No way! I didn't turn into a turtle just to do nonstop training! Anyways, nobody here knows how to use a scythe!

(A few minutes later)

Truth and Dare (TMNT 2012) (Slow Updates)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora