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Donnie: Should we probably tell Clarisa that we're going on patrol?

Raph: What for? She'll figure it out.

Leo: Just the same, I'll leave a note for her. She'll probably wonder where the girls are, too. *writes a quick note* Okay, let's go!

Mikey: *as they exit the lair* Cowabunga!


Clarisa: *walking into the living room yawning* Where's everyone? *sees the note and reads it along* 'Clarisa: We went out on patrol, and the girls went out shopping. Master Splinter was meditating when we left, so don't bother him. -Leo'. At least the girls didn't drag me shopping. *feels phone vibrate* It's eight in the evening.  Who's texting me? *looks at notifications and laughs* Well, looks like I'm gonna have some fun.

(even more later)

Leo: *groaning*  Ugh, why can't those bigheads in the Foot Clan get the idea to stop attacking us?

Mikey: Brah, they just don't care.

Donnie: *looks at the couch and freezes* *speaks in a shaky voice* Um, guys? This is not good.

The others look where Donnie was staring and gasped. Clarisa was on the couch, covered in blood. The whole couch was covered in blood, actually. There were several cuts on her arms and legs, and there seemed to be a bullet hole in her head.


Donnie: *running to his lab*  ON IT!

Mikey: *whimpering a bit* Um, dudette? *shaking Clarisa's arm a bit* Dudette, you're just playing with us, right?

Raph: *scoffs* It's a prank, Mikey. 

Mikey: *sniffing* If it is, it's a very convincing one.

Donnie: *running  to the couch with his first-aid kit* GOT IT! MOVE MIKEY! *begins trying to find a heartbeat* Come on! COME ON!

Just then, the girls entered the lair.

April: Hey,gu- OMG! WHAT HAPPENED?!

Leo: *shaking a bit* We don't know. We just walked in and there she was.

Raph: *rolling his eyes* She's just pranking us.

Donnie: *in a low voice* Um, guys? I'm not getting a heartbeat.

Shadow: Move it, nerd! *begins doing CPR* BREATHE, DAMN IT!

Kellianne: *whimpering and holding on to Mikey* She...she can't be dead, right? We were just getting to be friends.

(after five minutes of CPR)

Donnie: Give it up, Shadow. She's gone.

Shadow: NO!

May: *pulling Shadow away* She's in a better place.

Shadow: *getting into her demon form* I'M GOING TO KILL WHOEVER DID THIS!

Yinte: *wiping away tears* Calm down, Shadow.

Shadow just collapsed and began weeping. Leo held her and tried not to shed any tears. Kellianne and Mikey were whimpering, and May, Yinte, and April were holding each other and trying not to cry. Raph, who finally understood that this was not a prank, tried not to cry. Donnie was still next to the couch, staring at Clarisa's body.

Master Splinter: *walking into the living room* What is going on here?

Leo: Clarisa i-is d-dead, sensei.

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