Chapter 34: Feelings

Start from the beginning

West was still looking outside, his shoulders hunched up like he was tense.

"I want to know about Mila" He finally said.

"Tell me why you betrayed me then I'll tell you anything you want to know about her. That's if I'm satisfied with your excuses"

He made his way over to me and say on the bed just missing my leg, his blue eyes searching mine.

"She has your eyes" I softly said.


"Mila has your eyes, you always crossed my mind whenever I looked into hers because they are the same. They held the same sparkle" I quickly shoved the tablets into my mouth and took a sip of water.

The corner of his mouth lifted up into half a smile

"Why did you betray me?"

West took a deep breath and blew it out, turning his body so now he was facing me.

"The first thing you should know is everything I did was to protect you and Caleb. You two mattered the most to me and then you told you were pregnant, I needed to protect our daughter no matter the consequences. Your uncle is behind all of this Hope, from faking your brother's death to what is happening now. If I didn't do everything he said he'd kill you, and anyone I loved"

My heart was beating rapidly, my uncle is the reason why my life is ruined. Why I lost West and had to give my daughter up.

"Wait my uncle, but he can't be. I trusted him, I even let him take away Hope with my dad..."


"When I sent Hope away, my dad, brother, and uncle took her but she's fine. I saw my dad at the hospital with her until I told him to leave. He mentioned my uncle disappearing but I had no idea... Oh my god I need to tell my dad"

I tried looking around the room searching for my phone, I could feel the bile rising up my throat.

"Hope he doesn't want her dead yet, we know that because he hasn't made a move. I've been his fucking puppet all along, that night at the mafia ball I really didn't want to kill Lilly, believe me, but he threatened to have you killed by someone close to him someone who is closer to you than you think but I don't know who it is. I have no fucking clue who it is. You need to be careful in who you trust and you need to tell your dad to stay away from his brother"

West did everything to protect us.

My uncle is the mastermind behind all of this, and he's working with someone who's close to me.

Whoever it is, will wish they had never crossed me when I find out that's for sure.

"I love you, Hope, I always have and probably always will. Breaking your heart was the hardest thing I have ever had to do, not only did I lose you I lost Mila as well" His voice was quiet, cracking at the end as he tried to hold himself together.

He held my hand which made me flinch but he kept hold of it.

"I don't love you"

"That's a lie and you know it Hope"

"I don't, not the way I used to but you helped me realise it was Callum who I loved and he died, so did a piece of me" I took my hand back and cradled it to my chest.

"Don't marry Xavier"

"I'm marrying him whether you like it or not, I'm not speaking about this with you. I know what you did was to protect us but you still did it and that doesn't change the fact. I would have rather died then Lilly, she didn't deserve this, I'm the one who dragged her into this life. I should be the one dead not her" I was now crying.

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