be mine

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Hi I know I'm terrible! I've been super distracted these past weeks but I'm back :)

First, PLS if you see a petition you can sign for the BLM movement pls sign it. Also I know today is black out Tuesday but I felt as if I needed to say something since I have a lot of locals on this account ❤️ anyways I hope you guys all stay safe and you guys are welcome to messaging me about anything! I respond to all messages!!

Also last chapter bc I give up on this book I have a new idea :00



"Hey mama I'm outside" rang through my ear as I picked up a phone call from ale. I smiled at the sound of his voice. This past month was so rough, I'm glad he's still by my side.

With that I grab my bag and run towards the door kissing my mom a goodbye and heading to his car. As soon as I got in he drove off to his house.

Skip to his house

I greeted his mom and dad before entering his room.

"Where's nano?" I ask confused on why I hadn't gotten jumped by him.

"My mom finally let him stay over at a friends house. He probably wouldn't have went if he knew you were coming over through." Ale smiled as he laid a gentle kiss on my cheek and moving towards his bed.

"Um... did you talk to mattia yet?" I ask curious. I really didn't wanna know just in case they were still on bad terms.

"Yea we did, I apologized for being a dick and yea we're good now."

I smiled and went in for a hug. "Does this mean I can actually take you on a date?" He says as I lift my head and my lips went from ear to ear. "Such a player Rosario." I smiled as I roughly kissed him.

A month later

Me and Alejandro have been talking for awhile I guess. He hasn't officially asked me anything so technically we're still just friends? Me and mattia talked everything out. He's actually talking to this one girl I should not name haha.

"Hey can you come outside?" Ale called making me confused. I told him a little yes and threw a hoodie over my tank top.

"Hey what did you need?" I asked walking over to his car on the passenger side. He got out of his car and cane towards me leading me to his trunk.

A click was heard and the trunk popped open to reveal Robert laying there with a little sign that said "I love you mi amor!" I smiled out of excitement and side hugged ale. "Wow you're so cute." I said laying a kiss on his cheek making him blush.

"Hold on."

He pulled out of my grip and leaned into the trunk behind Roberts leg pulling out a box.

"Open it" He practically squealed as I smiled. I opened it to reveal a bunch of photos of us and our group. "Wow! You did all this for me?" I said with a couple years slowly coming down.

"Of course mi amor." He went to the side of his car grabbed roses and came back towards me.

"I've loved you... for a while now... and you make me so deeply happy even if you annoy me most of the time but... will you officially be my girlfriend?" He said as his hands slightly were shaking out of the nervousness he was feeling. I grabbed ahold of his hand to make it stop shaking and pulled him into a hug. "A million times yes!!" I squealed as he picked me up and flew me around.

"Woo!!" I heard the boys say coming out from inside the car. Guess they were hiding.

I'm grateful for everything that has happened to me. From becoming friends with boys everyone told me not to, to actually falling for the one they also told me not to go for.

I wouldn't change anything... I love these guys.

The end

Hi guys !! Um just some questions a lot of people have ill cover real quick!

Q: what was the inspo for this book?
A: honestly it's just out of my imagination lol! I think of a plot and just keep writing whatever comes to mind!

Q: which NJ boy do you like better?
A: haha I don't prefer but I do like mattia's sense of humor!

Q: you have recess in high school?
A: YES I DO!! It's a 10 minute break after our first period and then our lunch is 40 minutes! YES I AM IN HIGH SCHOOL!!!

Q: are you gonna write any more books about be NJ boys?
A: absolutely! I think the very little platform I have on here centers around them so I wouldn't wanna disappoint my readers. BUT I'm thinking of writing a mafia book because like... who wouldn't wanna fall in love with a badass??? HAHA jk but srsly I'm thinking about it

Q: do you have any other books to read?
A: YES! I've written about 4 books around them :) I have a new one I'm about to publish that is like any ordinary person. If you're like me I fantasize about anything and I always wonder what I'd do if I met them in real life !


those boys - Alejandro Rosario & Mattia PolibioOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora