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He doesn't answer me so I walk up to him. "Did you?" I ask making him lean up.

"Just a little..."

"Are you serious?? And you drove?? What is wrong with you??"

"Everything mae! Everything!"

"You don't need to always fucking yell you know?!"

"So?? My life's a mess already!"


"Yes! My dad is absolutely controlling! My ex is a fucking psycho! And ha the girl I like is banging my best friend!!" He says while standing up.

I freeze at his last sentence. The girl he likes is banging his best friend? What the-

"What did you say?"

"You fucking heard me mae."

"I don't know did I? Who is the girl you like?"

"Enough with the bullshit Mae! It's you! It's always been you from the start! I'm literally crazy about you but you obviously couldn't care less! I hate that you're all I think about, I hate that you're always on my mind! I hate that when I'm with other girls all I imagine is that you're the one that's touching me! I hate that you chose him over me." He says making my heart shatter. Did he really feel this way? Or was it the alcohol talking? But like if he didn't have much it had to be going away already right? I stutter at my words not knowing what to say. He hates that I chose Ale over him?

"I didn't choose him over you Tia..."

"Yes you fucking did."

"I- how long have you been feeling like this?" I ask coming closer to him.

"You know what forget it. Forget that I ever said anything. Actually just forget about me! I don't give a fuck who you're with anymore." He say going towards his bathroom and slamming the door. I stand there with tears rolling down my face. He was angry, so angry, and it's all my fault. If I showed him I actually cared maybe he wouldn't be so mad, maybe me and him would've worked out. I can't tell but I need to leave. I run up the stairs and out of his house.

When I arrive at home I immediately go upstairs and throw myself on my bed. This is exactly what I mean. Every time something good happens to me something bad just comes as well! I finally admitted shit with ale because all he's been was a good fucking friend to me. And the next minute I'm getting yelled at and screamed at my mattia? What the fuck. I hate it here.

Skip to next morning

I wake up and feel like absolute shit. But I wasn't gonna let mattia hold that over me. I put on jeans and a hoodie and headed for school. "Bye ma." I say as she drops me off.

My locker was extremely nice but as I grab one of my text books ale comes up next to me. "Hey mama." He says pecking me on my cheek. "Ale... were at school..." I say blushing and closing my locker. "So..." He says as I roll my eyes and walk away. "Wait! So what did mattia need yesterday?" He says making flashes of yesterday's event flash in my mind. "I-" I say before ale catches a glimpse of mattia behind us. "Speaking of him... aye mattia!" Ale says causing me to turn around. "I have to go." I say pushing past him and going straight to class.

Class starts and Robert is dead asleep next to me. I get bored and watch Netflix all period. The one period I dreaded... the one with mattia. It was before lunch but whatever. I absolutely took the longest way possible to class. I didn't wanna see him at all. The bell rang and I'm standing outside. I breathe in and out before going in. I avoid all the contact in the room and go to my seat. Mattia sits a chair behind me to the left. I put in my airpods and drown out all the noise around me. I don't want to have to turn around.

My music goes so loud I don't hear the teacher calling for me. "Mae!!" Mr g says slapping my desk. "Yes??" I say taking out a pod. "You and mr polibio over there need to report to the counselors." He says writing a pass and handing it to me. I turn around to mattia who looks shock but I walk out of class quickly.

We were in the back of the school so it was gonna take us a while to get to the office area. It's completely silent since I had put my airpods away. "So... do you know-"

"Don't." I say cutting him off. He catches the hint and stops talking to me. We walk into the office to see jenna sitting on a chair holding the side of her face. What the fuck.

Me and mattia walk into the room inside the office to meet our counselor.

"Sit." She says as me and mattia take a seat in front of her desk.

"New school? It's been what? A month or two?" She says to me.

"And you, didn't we talk about being mean already?" She says as mattia seeps into his chair.

"Um... if I may ask... why am I here?" I say.

"Oh you're here because the young lady outside told us that you punched her yesterday. And you young man watched it happen and didn't stop it."

"Really? She literally punched her once and I grabbed her. Isn't that stopping it??" Mattia asks getting tense.

"Maybe maybe not but you're still involved, now Mae, I've already gone over your transcripts from your last school. It wasn't clean." She said making me tense up.

Flash back*

??: this one, this one is cute, what's your name baby?

The skank in the car says making me move forward. "He's actually my boyfriend." I say as she gets out of the car to lean on it. "Oh really? I don't think I ever asked. Again, what's your name love?" She says once again making me push her. "Like I said... he's MY boyfriend." I say as I throw a punch and it leads to a whole fight. She grabs at my hair but immediately looses grip and I get on top of her.

??: stop! Mae! Stop!

He says grabbing my waist and pulling me off of her.

End of flash back

(FYI, I never introduced these characters yet but I will later 😉)

I sit up making sure she knows I understand.

"I know... but I swear I had a good reason for it." I say defending myself.

"Oh really? Have at it." She says

those boys - Alejandro Rosario & Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now