your father

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"First off, who's Katie?" I say as normal as possible. "You wanna know about Katie? Why aha." He says awkwardly. "I don't know if we're gonna be friends shouldn't I know the girls you talk to?" I reply with a little chuckle. "I guess  But but... I don't know. We're talking, she lives in NY so it's kind of hard to see each other but we make it work." He says with a little passion in his eyes. "Oh how cute, let me see a picture." I say tapping him. He denies before he gives in and shows me one. "Wow she's really pretty, and you're not gonna cuff?" I say hitting his shoulder. "I've never dated anyone." He says rubbing his neck. "Okay liar, Vic." I say rolling my eyes. "Never made it offcial." He says fixing his shorts. I stare at him in disbelief before laughing. "You're joking. And you guys aren't friends? Omg okay." I say as he rolls his eyes.

"Okay fine your turn, tell me about a boy." He says staring at me. "Hmm there was this guy but I know I could have never gave him what he needed so I pushed him away. Also same, never dated anyone." I say as he nods. We talk a little before mattia calls at him for his turn to play. "Duty calls." Ale says standing up and grabbing the controller.

Kairi comes beside me and sits.

K: hello
M: hello?
K: k spill
M: what?
K: I know you don't actually not care stupid
M: nah I don't
K: nope. Keep going
M: what do you wanna know?
K: everything
M: sweet little kairi do you have a crush on me?
K: eww no. I'm talking to someone
M: awh thanks, who?
K: you don't know her
M: and I care why? I just asked who
K: you're a prick, her names ceilia
M: pretty name, probably blonde though
K: fuck you
M: I'm kidding I don't care, we all have our type
K: I'm guessing your type is mattia and ale?
M: what?
K: don't play dumb
M: no I'm just dumb in general I don't know what you're saying
K: oh come on you can't tell me their not attractive
M: never said that
K: so you think they are??
M: oops never said that either
K: Mae!
M: chillll it's my first week give me a break puta
K: did you just call me a bitch
M: si

I say standing up and walking over to the tv their all surrounding. FIFA? Boring. I groan before throwing myself onto the couch.

They all surround the game still so I get up and walk outside.

Incoming call from mami

Mom - Mo
Mae- M

Mo: mi amor??
M: yes mami? Is everything okay??
Mo: can you come home right now?
M: um yea I can try, are you okay?
Mo: I am I am just come home ok?
M: okay

End of call

Wow must be serious?? I immediately ran downstairs and to them. Of course they are all still screaming until I pull Alejandro. "Hey um are you guys almost finish yet?" I say super quickly. "Yea were about to get food." He says. "oh okay. I'm just gonna go then" I say grabbing my things before he pulls at my arm. "You don't wanna come??" He says. "I can't. My mom needs me home right now." I say as I continue gathering my things. "Oh shit don't worry I can drop you off now." He says going over to the table and grabbing his keys. "You don't have to seriously. I can walk." I say going up the stairs. "Don't be silly." He says following me. I just give in and allow him to drive me home.

As soon as I get there I give him a quick bye and run into my house. I find my mom sitting at the counter as I walk in.

M: Mami are you okay??
Mo: I- I am Mija, come sit down
M: okay... what is it??
Mo: it's your dad.
M: what about him?
Mo: it's not a big deal but I know how you feel about seeing him...
M: okay...
Mo: he wants you to go up to him during break.
M: haha no mami
Mo: Mae. Mar wants to see you too
M: I bet he doesn't even know about it?
Mo: he- he will baby.
M: and that is suppose to make it better?
Mo: it isn't Mae. But he is your father, don't you wanna spend time with him?
M: nope not at all. I don't care that's why!
Mo: if you don't care why won't you just go then huh?
M: be- because- because I just don't want to.
Mo: Mae does it really matter? Your dad obviously is trying to have a relationship with you. Take the opportunity.
M: ehh not really
Mo: how's about this, you go and maybe just maybe mar can come stay for summer?
M: mami. I don't wanna spend my spring break with him and his annoying wife!
Mo: Mae you need to understand he's your father too...
M: papi?? It doesn't matter! He never cared before so he shouldn't care now!
Mo: think about it? I know Mariano would love to see you.
M: I would love to see him too, but what's the point of going up there if I'm just gonna argue with steff? (Steff is her dads new wife)
Mo: if you argue with her I'll fly up and beat her ass to mi amor
M: mami! Oh my gosh! Fine. I'll think about it?
Mo: that's fine. Let your dad know by Monday okay?
M: I will let you know and you can tell him

I say as she rolls her eyes and I walk upstairs. Me and my dad... were okay. He never cared much as I was younger so I practically didn't care either. He was a drunk and did get hard at times. After my parents split up and he took custody of mar and remarried I was heartbroken. He continuously tried to bribe me into moving in with his new wife and kid but seriously? No thanks. Yea I'd totally love to live with mar but I also would never in a million years leave my mom.

My dad, he's very wealthy I guess I can say. I still wouldn't make moving in with him an option. I'm already a trouble maker here what makes my mom think I'll be any better up there?

But also if I do go mar could potentially come and stay for summer, and summer is way longer then spring break. I mean it wouldn't be bad if I went to Toronto for the break. I could have the best vacation ever. And like my dads house is huge, I would not mind that ahah.

I laid in bed thinking, what should I do? I mean today's Friday, I have 3 days to decide. But right now I need to sleep because I am EXHAUSTED.

those boys - Alejandro Rosario & Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now