a mess

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"Are you gonna keep doing that?" He asks standing over me.

"Yes? You can talk... I'm listening I have ears hello."

"Sheesh... look I'm sorry about the um hickie."

"Sorry? Haha for what? I never gave it to you so who did?"

"Well... don't be mad... please..."

"Mattia hurry up or I'm kicking you."

"I hooked up with Alexa while you were gone in Toronto." Mattia says quickly as I freeze folding the laundry. My heart shatters and I can feel the tears forming in my eyes. He bends down to lay a hand on my shoulder as I swat at his arm and wipe my eyes standing up.

"Okay." I say.

"Okay? What do you mean okay?"

"I mean okay. You made it clear we're just friends and you're not ready for a relationship so does it really matter?"

"I know but-"

"I just have one question, why? I thought we were getting somewhere?"

"It's-" I cut him off once again.

"But I was just probably one of the girls on your list right?"

"No it's not like that please-"

"Then why? Why did you do it?"


"What? Are you? And that's why you went crazy when you heard my BROTHER on FaceTime?"

"I- yea and you wouldn't show me proof it was your brother so..."

"Mattia. You're nuts."

"I- I'm sorry okay... it was just a one time thing. I was stressing about it for days because you never posted ANYTHING... but when I seen the tiktokroom post on Thursday of you and mar I felt so bad."

"You should have felt bad."

"Why didn't you just tell us your brother was Mariano then huh!"

"Because I didn't need to!"

"That's a secret you never told us... even about your past you said NADA!!" Mattia yells at me frustrated.

"I don't need to tell you anything about my past! I moved on from it so let it go!"

"How?! Can you let this go??!"

"NO OF COURSE NOT!" I say yelling but going back to my normal tone.

"Look... I don't wanna fight, you should leave."

"No... tell me why you didn't wanna tell us about Mariano?"

"I just- I didn't want you guys to think differently of me okay?"

"What? We- we would never."

"I don't know man..." I say sitting on my bed as he sat beside me as well.

"Look mae... after I heard your brother or whatever I seriously thought it was a guy. I was thinking about it for days until Wednesday went I... smoked a little weed at the park with Alexa..."

"Who's Alexa?"


"Another one of your ex?"

"Noo... we had a little fling sophomore year before and after jenna."

"Wow." I say sitting there.

"Look we just got high and things got carried away... one thing led to another... I swear I regretted it the next morning..." Mattia says with shame in his eyes.

"It's fine... we should just stay as friends anyways..."

"No. I like you... a lot mae... and I'm sorry for constantly telling you I'm sorry but seriously... maybe I am ready for a relationship."

"Maybe? I don't need to be a second choice in your life right now."

"Mae... seriously... I like you and when I'm with you I get all soft and I fucking hate it because I'm suppose to be mean and-"

"Are you done?" I say covering his mouth with my hand. He nods and I let my hand off.

"Just one last thing before I can wrap this all around my head, is there anything else? Like seriously you better drop the bomb right now."

"UHh... you won't be mad?"

"I probably will..."

"Fine... I like... made out with Jenna the other week..."


"Wait... once or twice..."



"Yea... im sorry... I ran into her when I was feeling so dumb and you had just talked to Rowan and I-"

"During 4th period? And once before lunch?"

"Yea... how did you-"

I slapped him across the face standing up with tears in my eyes. He grabs a hold of his face questioning why I did that. I feel my tears fall from my face as I stand there heartbroken.

"The same day you made me admit my feelings for you!" I say hitting his shoulder.

"I- it just happened!"

"And you acted like everything was okay! You made me feel like I was doing something wrong for being so close to Ale when you were making out with a whole different person!!!" I say screaming as tears form.

"I'm sorry mae! Really."

"Get out."

"Mae come-"

"Mattia! Please... I really don't want to fucking talk to you." I say wiping my tears as he finally leaves. I knew something was up with her. I knew something was going on between them. I knew he wasn't over his fucking ex! I cry into my pillow, it just hurts knowing when we were at his house and he admitted his feelings and I admitted to mines he could of also been thinking about her. Every single time I get happy something bad fucks it up.

Can you come over??

Yea sure
Are you okay?

Just come soon

I love you

I love you 2


I gather a few of my things and tell my mom Ale is headed over, she was going off to a business dinner so she didn't mind. He drove here quickly and arrived in minutes. He knocked on my door and I quickly opened it.

"Hey you okay?? Your eyes their-"

"Is your mom home?" I ask letting him in.

"No my mom and brother went to Costa Rica for another week... are you okay?" He asks as we both walked into my room and I flopped on the bed. "Hey hey don't cry." He says hugging as I lightly sobbed on his shoulder. "Whatever it is you can tell me." He says as I wipe my nose with my hoodie. "I love you Alejandro... seriously..."

"I love you to, do you wanna talk about it after?" He asks as I nod and he squeezes me once more. He puts on his show as we lay in his bed and I just slowly sobbed on his chest. For a minute. 5 minutes later the tears are gone but the pain is still there. I turn my head while I lay on his chest, "thank you... seriously." I say leaning up as he pauses his show and leans up as well. "Of course, you were there when I was crying over Katie and I'm gonna be here for you. Now what happen?" He asked rubbing circles on my cheek.

those boys - Alejandro Rosario & Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now