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We arrived to my dads super big and expensive house..

"Your room is in the same place with the same things. I have a little gift for you on your bed as well mija." He says as I nod and Mariano helps me bring my luggage into my room.

It's definitely waayyy bigger than my room in jersey but of course steff would have wanted the big and expensive house.

"Well look at that." Mariano says as a box lays on my bed. "What is he gonna bribe me with this time?" As we both laugh and I sit beside the box opening it.

"Wow... Gucci... and shoes?? What the." I say as I pull them out.

"No fucking way... the CDG shoes I've been wanting! And... and Gucci belt? What- I-" I say confused.

"You told him didn't you." I say to mar as he shrugs his shoulder. "Well thanks for knowing I have good taste." I say as I hug mar. "Well you should go thank papi... I mean he did buy it mae..." Mar says.

"You're right."

I unpack my things and talked to mar most of the time. When we finished up in my room I went downstairs to see my dad on the couch and steff in the kitchen cooking pasta of course my favorite...

"Thanks for the gifts papi... you really didn't have to..." I say smiling as I sit on the couch on the side.

"Don't worry about it mija." He says as he smiles at me as well.

My mom, she has a lot of money but she's usually always working. One of the reasons I fell into a hole last- never mind. But my parents separation is better anyways. My mom takes frequent business trips but I don't mind honestly. She either sends me to my dad or I have to beg her to let me stay home alone. Usually she says no but she's gotten better at allowing me to. She works for a big banking firm so our house is big but not as big as my dads. Him being in the military and owning multiple bars I mean come on... I know he makes a lot. Steff? She was one of his bartenders until they became more... I don't care for her she's mean then nice then nice and nice then mean.

I just hope this trip goes great. After dinner I excused myself to shower and I was in my room when the group all FaceTimed me.

R: hey!!
K: ayyeee how's Toronto??
M: good it's good how was today at school without me?
Ma: boring as ever
A: nah he's trippin, it was alright a fight almost happened though
M: wow the one day I'm gone dang

We all talk for a little before mar comes barging in my room, "Mae come to my room!" He says as my eyes widen. "Shh." I say quietly enough for him to only hear. "Oh fuck." Mar says covering his mouth noticing I'm on FaceTime with the boys.

Ma: who is that??
M: um.. no one... I have to go
K: wait! Is that your brother??
M: uHh yea maybe um I have to go!

I say ending the call and looking at mar.

"How was I suppose to know! Why didn't you tell them we're twins?? Actually how dumb can they be we're both castanos and we look alike." Mar says leaning onto my door.

"They're boys they're dumb but I haven't said anything because who cares they don't need to know anyways." I say putting my mac away and standing up.

"Yea if it didn't matter you would've told them." Mar says turning around and walking to his room.

"No!!" I say offended.

"Or you're scared what they're gonna think if they know we're related." He says as I blankly stare at him.

"It's not that big of a deal, what's the worse that could happen? They treat you diffrent now that they know we're related and could get more clout?"

those boys - Alejandro Rosario & Mattia PolibioOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora