turn the lights on

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"Bye." As I hug ale and leave his house.

It was great getting to hang out with them. I don't understand why mattia didn't come but I mean his dad is strict. I don't even bother texting him about it until now.



How was staying hommeee

Sorry I didn't come

It's okk
I'm coming over tomorrow haha

Oh yea
I'm actually tired I'll see you tomorrow
I love you



I mean it's not common for him not to be uninterested at night but I mean maybe he's not having it right? I'll be fine tomorrow I hope.

Skip to next morning

I wake up and it's sunday, I ate breakfast with my mom and soon headed to mattias at 12.

Knock knock *

"Hi Mae." Gian says opening the door for me. "Oh hi! Is your brother home?" I ask as he lets me in.

"He's in his room, my mom and dad went to the restaurant today."

I nod before walking down there. "Hey." I say turning the corner and going to his bed. He sits on his chair while screaming at the boys about being on gta. I cover his eyes with my hands as he jumps. "AH!" He says as I cover his mouth while pointing at his screen. "The boys." I said as he nodded. "K guys ima get off,,, because my dad broo." Mattia yells into the mic while turning off his xbox. "I missed you." I say hugging him as he sat in his chair. "I missed you too." He says pulling apart and standing up. "No kiss?" I say as he turns back around to me. He leans down kissing my lips before walking back to his bed and laying down.

"Have you just been laying in your bed all week." I said sitting next to him.


"Okay... how was your break?"

"It was alright... I don't wanna talk about it." He says leaning up. "Can I turn on the lights? It's so dark I can barely see you haha." I say reaching before he grabs my hand and pulls me on top of him. "No I like it better like this." He says as his tongue enters my mouth. His usual taste of mint circles my mouth while my thoughts get the better of me. I pull off his hoodie struggling of course as he took my shirt off. He leaned up as I sat on his area and I could feel him get hard.

My hand roams his hair as he plays with the hem of my shorts. "You're beautiful." He says as I quickly blush and pull away. "Mattiiaaa." I say laughing on his lap. "What?" He asks. "You're cute but I can't see your face that good!" I say grabbing the remote of the lights. "Noo!" He says hitting it out of my hands.

"Jeez what's going on?" I ask confused. "It's nothing... you just feel better in the dark." He says as I insanely blush.

"Tia!! Mom said we can order pizza!" Gian says from above the staircase. "Ugh... go away!" Mattia says as I look at him disappointed. I get off of his lap and stand up on the ground turning on the lights. "Wow." Mattia says quickly turning away and putting his hoodie on while his back is turned to me.

"What has gotten into you?" I ask.


"Right." I say turning and walking up the stairs while he quickly tried to follow me.

"Hey, what kind of pizza do you want?" I ask Gian as he tells me anything with pepperoni. I nod as I called the pizza guys. Mattia comes up quickly asking who I'm on the phone with when I shush him and walk away.

I get back and mattia is still standing there waiting for a response.

"You didn't wanna order your brother pizza so I did." I say as I smiled at Gian and walked back down to his room. "Let me know when he's here." I say.

When I approach mattias bed I sit there on my phone as he sat in front of me.

"What do you wanna do?" he asks.


"Come on you can't be mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you."

"Then why are you being like this?"

"Like what..."

"Cut it come here." He says throwing my phone beside me and hugging me. He wraps his arms around my back as I lay my cheek on his chest. "I'm sorry." He says as I just smile and continue to hug him.

We ate the pizza that I bought because I didn't want mattia spending more money on me. Turns out Gian is actually really funny. "Are you guys boyfriend and girlfriend?" He asks taking a bite of his pizza. "The fuck no." Mattia says as my eyes open to him. "He means no." I say nudging mattia. "You don't have to cuss every 5 seconds you know."

"I don't care he hears me swear all the time."

I roll my eyes as I get up and throw away my plate and clean up a little. It's 4:27 when I finally finish. Gian goes back to his room as me and mattia head down to his. "I'm gonna leave soon." I say as mattia turns his head. "How come??"

"I don't know it seems like you really don't want me here and I'd rather be at home than to do this run around with you." I say as he sighs and walks up to me wrapping his insanely large arms around me.

"My parents have been bugging me about so much things this week and I've just been stressing about it."

"What do you mean?" I ask as I wrap my arms around his waist as well.

"Just about my March and stuff. The site broke down the first time and my dad kept bugging me about it but I got it back up quick."

"I'm sorry I wasn't here for it, how come you didn't text me?"

"I... I didn't wanna bother you about it since you were on your trip."

"Mattia... you know you can text anytime. We're best friends?" I say as he smiles and pulls me tighter.

"What would I do without this rat fuck."

"You killed the moment." I say pulling apart and laughing. "Okay for real though, are you just gonna play games all day?" I ask as he turns his head back to me.

"Naahhhh, we can do something more..."

Mattia says approaching me once again and leaning down to lay kisses on my neck. "Your brother." I say giggling as he continues. "Who?"

He grabs my right leg and we both fall onto his bed. The warmth of his lips attached to mines is all I feel and think of right now. Maybe being in a relationship won't be bad? I know I said I wouldn't but come on... he's hot...

those boys - Alejandro Rosario & Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now