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I walk out of the class as the bell rings for lunch. I go up to my locker first and put away the books that my damn science teacher had given me.

What do I even do during lunch?? I don't even eat during this time and I seriously have no friends. Fuck. I guess a snack wouldn't hurt. I sigh as I lock my locker and make my way to the cafeteria. It's loud as hell as I walk in and I try to find the station where they sold snacks. I seen a little bar that had chips so I went over and bought some Doritos. I scanned my ID and turned back around to bump into a random guy. "Sorry." I say not making eye contact because... weird. I walk away with out saying anything else before I hear someone call at me. "Mae!" Taylor of course. She waves her hand to come to her and I agreed. She introduced me to some of her friends and of course the two girls in my chemistry class and here too. "Oh my gosh you're in our chem class right?" One of them says as I nod. I learn all of their names kind of I guess. They all laugh a little before a conversation I probably shouldn't have heard sparked up. "Yea dude... I guess he's talking to her now. He HELLLAAA hopping bro." Jess? I'm guessing says to one of the girls aka Vic looks down. "It's fine. He's moved on. I need to move on too. It's over with and it's clear he wants nothing to do with me so I can't do anything about it either?" Vic says as aliyah rubs her back.

I don't say much but eat my chips. She looks super down and maybe I think I should say something. "Hey, don't be hung up about him. I know I probably have no place saying his but maybe your guys time isn't right now. He doesn't know your worth and this is your time to take advantage of that and glow up." I say as a little smile forms on her face. "Awh you're so sweet! But I think I just need to get over him. He's done waste my time so errr." She says sliding her hand across her face. They all laugh before I continue eating my chips. To be honest, I seriously don't even know who they're talking about at all. "Thanks for letting me sit here, I'm just gonna head to class." I say to Taylor as she nods and I walk out.

It was nice to talk to them but ehh it just didn't feel right. I roamed the halls trying to find my class before I turn the corner and two guys are pushing at each other.

??: you think you're strong?
??: I know I am!

The two boys argue a bit as other guys surround them, two of them laughing as one of them record. I recognize them actually. Robert, the guy from chem, and the one I bumped into. Wow such a small school jeez. "Oh shit, move guys." Robert says as they all turn their attention to me as they move out of the way. "My baadddd." The taller guys says as I slightly thank them. "Thanks Robert." I say walking pass him and going to my class. I can hear them bicker a little but I just continue walking.

Alejandro POV:

"How do you know her?" I ask Robert confused. "Met her in third period. She's cool." He says not even acknowledging the fact how gorgeous she is. "Crush??" Kairi says punching Roberts shoulder. "Eww negative. We're friends chill." Robert says as a little breathe comes out of me. She bumped into me but I didn't get a chance to say anything since she walked away.

But I can't... I'm kind of talking to someone. I can't do this.


(Back to mae's POV)
The school day goes by fast, those boys i ran into, I had some of them in my classes but I ignored them per usual. The bell rings and I immediately walk to the front of my school as I wait for my nanny to pick me up. It's technically not my nanny, it's for my baby sister but whatever. I get picked up and we drive home. I go immediately upstairs to my room and flop on my bed. I keep reminding myself two more days till the weekend! Hang in there Mae. I groan at the thought of going back to school tomorrow. Everything sucks, school sucks, I really don't have friends in all honesty.

I grab my phone and of fucking course people found my Instagram. I go through my request as I see that most people I've came in contact with requested me. Those boys I seen, their also famous? Kinda? And my brother follow them?? What the fuck. I had to text him.


Do you know who @mattiapolibio @alejandrosario @kairicosentino is??

Yea why

How do you know them?

Met them on tiktok how come

Bro I go to school with them now LMAO

LMAAAOO NAAHHH i forgot you transferred today

Yea the school fucking sucks

Ottawa on top 🤘🏼
Are you friends with them?

Lol no. I hope I never will

You sound like a hater mae

If they act like you I don't even wanna speak to them 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

Fuck you hoe

Love you too!
Anyways I have to go moms gonna kill me if my rooms not clean.
Tell dad I said hey

See you loser ly2


Well that explains a lot. More of a reason to never talk to them. Should I even accept lol? Nah who cares. I accept and follow most of them back. It's quite weird how the world or people in the world work. You see someone for a split second and you automatically have their Instagram located. Insane.

I throw my phone on my bed as I clean my WHOLE ROOM. It's practically spotless when I'm done.

I grab my towel and head into my bathroom.


I groan as my alarm rings at 7 in the morning. "Ughhh!!" I say turning off my alarm. I hate school, so much. I sit in bed for another five minutes before throwing myself out of bed and stumbling into my bathroom. I get myself situated before I walk back out and it's 7:16. I sit on my bed scrolling through instagram as usual when I finally find the energy to throw on an outfit. Nothing crazy, just a red hoodie with light blue ripped washed jeans. I also put on some white vans to top it off. An actual visual representation on how you don't need much to look good. It's finally 7:45 when I decide to leave the house.

My mom drops me off and I kiss her goodbye. I dread this every morning of my 16 years of living. The bell rings for classes to start, today I had two periods I've never been in yet since I haven't had them yesterday.

I walked in and there wasn't that much people there yet. "You must be Mae castano?" The lady asked me while sitting at her desk still. I nod as she explains to me what her class will be about and what I would need. She talks for so long I don't even realize people have walked in and had been seated.

"Okay class, this is mae. Make her feel welcome." Mrs Rogers says as she also directs me to a seat in the back but in the middle. Great. I love back seats don't get me wrong, but I'd highly rather have one near a fucking WALL.

those boys - Alejandro Rosario & Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now