avoiding him

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He still hovers over me while I lay flat on his bed legs detached from his waist. He gets up and scratches the back of his head putting on his shirt as well. I also lean up grabbing my shirt and putting it over my head.

"Um... you don't have to stay if you don't want-" He says before I cut him off, "maybe I should go." I say grabbing my keys and walking away. "Wait!" I hear him say. "I'll see you on Monday!" I say running up the stairs.

"Ah you're not staying for dinner love?" Mattias mom asks me as I make it out of his door.

"No I'm so sorry! My mom wants me home, I just had to come and talk to mattia about something but thank you for letting me in." I say as I turn to the door quickly and leave.

"Oh." She says watching me quickly leave.

I get into my car instantly driving home. As soon as I'm in bed I stare at the ceiling. What the fuck just happened. Did I- almost... holy fuck. A billion thoughts go trough my head, why did that even happen?? I mean I guess we were both vulnerable but that's an excuse right? Why does this feel so wrong but there's really nothing wrong about it! Besides the fact if the boys found out they'd 100% flip out. What do I do! I have another week of school before leaving to Toronto.

Hey so what happened?

Nothing really
We talked it over and I apologized

Was he mad at me?

He was for a little before I smoothed it over
You're welcome by the way

You forced me to tell you rat fuck 🤬

I luvv you 22 🥰

Ily whatever 😒
What are we doing this weekend then

Idk you can ask them my mom wants me home all weekend sorryyy

Ahhh whyyy


You're lame
See ya on Monday than
Love you 🤮

Love you 2 monkey 😖


I feel bad for lying but... I just can't tell him. I don't ever wanna speak about it. I keep ignoring mattias texts. Actually everyone's text all weekend. It was hard but I managed.

Skip to Sunday night

I had gone out with my mom for some things all day for Saturday so it was helpful to not be on my phone. Sunday... not so much, I spent the day watching legacies so I wouldn't texted anyone back. By 7 I'm dreading it but I go on my phone and texts people back.

Mae you loser
Answer hoe
I know you're seeing this rat

Whooooppsssss I only seen this now haha

Okay liar
Why haven't you texted me all weekend? Lmao

I didn't have my phone w me
Or I did I just was never on it sowwyy

those boys - Alejandro Rosario & Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now