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When I had woken up, it was two in the morning. I sat up quickly making Scorpius wake up. "Hm? What happened?" He asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "We fell asleep." I said quietly. He made a sound and rolled over on the couch. "You make a good pillow Weasley, we should do this more often." I heard him say, I couldn't help but notice his smirk. "Come on, before people start to notice we are missing." I said standing up. Scorpius waved his hand, his eyes still closed. "Neh, I have the map, so Albus wouldn't know. And Harley already knows so it's ok." He mumbled. I rolled my eyes, "well I would like to sleep in a bed rather than a couch." I said crossing my arms. Scorpius sat up, and looking at me with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. "If you insist, milady." He said in a low voice. I gave him a suspicious look, what did that mean. He stood up off the couch, stretched, and began to walk towards me. Me assuming that we were finally leaving, turned around to walk away. But I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and pick me up. "Scorpius!? What are you doing!?" I said as he threw me over his back. "Well you said you wanted a bed correct?" He said simply. "Wait- that is not what I meant and you know it!" I said warningly. He chuckled as he threw me on the bed that was in the room and got on top of me. "Ah memories." He sighed quietly. I couldn't help but laugh as I tried to push him off, "ok ok, very funny. But we really should get back." I said seriously. He sighed heavily, then rolled off of me. "Come on" I said as I rolled my eyes. I opened the door and looked down the torch lit corridor. "Okay, I think it's safe." I whispered quietly. "Rose, your a prefect. You can't get in trouble for wondering the corridors." He said dryly. "Oh yea." I said with a giggle, leaving the door. Scorpius walked out after me and once we closed the door, it vanished. "Maybe this can be where we meet up?" Scorpius asked. I nodded my head, grabbed his hand, and we walked down the corridor. "Hey Rose?" He said while we walked in silence. "Hm?" I said as I rested my head against his arm as we walked. "I love you." He whispered. I smiled widely at his words. "I'm fond of you as well Malfoy." I said mockingly. He stopped walking and glared at me. I began to laugh, "just kidding, I love you too." I said reassuringly, making him smile like a child. He began to skip down the corridor, making me laugh harder. He stopped skipping when he reached a painting of an old woman. "Guess what?" He called loudly. "Rose Weasley loves me!" He called and he ran back to me, lifted me up by my waist, and spun me around. "Sorry about that. Had to tell someone." He said shyly. I laughed again, standing on my tip toes to kiss him. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow?" I said once we reached the stairs where he would have to go down several flights of steps to get to the dungeons. "Oh but I thought the fat lady wanted to see me?" He said mockingly. "I'd rather not see my boyfriend flirt with a painting, kind of sad really." I said sarcastically making him laugh. He kissed me on the forehead gently and walked down the steps to the dungeons. I went over to the portrait, smiling like an idiot. "And what's gotten you so happy?" Asked the fat lady. I shook my head and said the password. Ignoring the questions from the fat lady, I went through the portrait hole and into Gryffindor tower. To my surprise Harley was awake and staring into the fire. I walked around the couch and saw she had looked half asleep. "Harley?" I said loud enough to wake her up. "Rose! There you are! What took you so long?" She asked hurriedly. "Oh I got-" "oh never mind that!" She interrupted me. "So guess who I caught snogging in the owlery tonight?" She asked with a smile on her face. I stayed silent so she could tell me. "Guess!" She said waving her arms around. I groaned, I hated guessing games. "Let me guess, Hugo and his girlfriend?" I said with rolled eyes. Harley didn't answer. "Well- sort of." She said with a giggle. I moved my hands to tell her to explain. "What do you mean sort of?" I asked starting to feel annoyed with this game. "Well, I say sort of because Erin, is a boy." She said with a giggle.

I stared at her with wide eyes. "What?" I asked blankly. She nodded her head, "yup, your brother? Is gay." She said happily. I sat down on the arm chair and began to think this through. "Okay, that would explain why he doesn't want to tell anyone... The Ravenclaw boy on the train must of been him... And Erin is a unisex name so it makes since how we made that mistake." I said quietly. I looked at Harley, "are you sure the girl didn't just have short hair?" I asked in amazement. She shook her head, "She was without a doubt a boy, making she a he." She said said simply. I opened my mouth and then closed it again, "okay... So be honest. Who do you think is more dead? Ron Weasleys boyfriend having son? Or Ron Weasleys Malfoy loving daughter?" I asked with raised eyebrows. Harley began to laugh, "well honesty I doubt your family will mind he is gay, now you however are doomed- wait. Did you just-?" Harley looked at me with wide eyes and I smiled. "Your in love!?" She asked shrilly. I put a finger to my mouth, "sh! Before you wake the entire castle!" I whispered. She hugged me and did a weird jumping dance. "This is great! I'm so happy for you! You guys are going to be all happy- and- and- stuff!" She whispered excitedly. I rolled my eyes, "not until we tell people." I said with a raised eyebrow. Harley waved my comment away. "All in good time, pace yourself." She said happily. I conjured a blanket from my wand and curled into a ball on my chair. "What a weird night." I yawned. Harley conjured herself a blanket and curled into a ball on the couch. "Really though." She said groggily. "First I fall in love, and my brother has a boyfriend. All in all, a pretty good day." I said quietly before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

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