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"So that happened..." I heard Scorpius say bluntly, but I could hear the smirk on his lips. I rolled over and smiled. It actually happened!!! He looked at me with a wide smile, but it slowly slipped away. My heart sank, oh no.. What did I do? "Do you regret it?" He asked in a soft whisper. Rolling on his side, leaning his head on his hand so he could look down at me comfortably. I shook my head wildly, "Merlin no, not at all!" I said, meaning every word.

He didn't look convinced. I reached a hand out and began to rub my fingers through his blonde chest hair. His body was pale, and he was thinner than the year before, but still tones from years of quidditch. I looked up and met his silver gaze. "I realized that I don't want to die, and not have been with you..." We may be young.. But I am of age, and I love him. I just wanted to be as close as possible to him.. I looked up into his silver eyes, and his eyes were searching mine, he was looking for a sign, any hint of regret. But he was wasting his time. I sat up, and kissed him deeply.

When I pulled away, he looked.. Shy..? "Scorpius..? What's going on?" I asked, pulling my robe back on so I could sit on the blanket we laid out in the common room, to be comfortable. He looked at me, then looked away, but then sat up and huffed. He was scratching the back of his head nervously, and he was blushing. His eyes were in his lap, I was starting to get nervous, my heart beating out of my chest, waiting for everyone to be right.. Finally I heard him ask, "was it good for you..?" He sounded pained. I released the breath I was holding in, and felt relieved. I smiled, and shook my head, "of course it was.. Why would you ask that..?" He scooted closer to me and clasped both my hands in his. "I know when stuff like this.. Um, happens, it can be painful and scary for girls.." And he looked up and stared into my eyes.

I couldn't help but smile at him. A big smile spread on my face, and I wrapped my arms around him. "It was perfect because it was with you. I will never regret that." He held me tightly in his arms, and I felt completely at home... I got up, and held my hands out to help him up. "Now, I think we should go get lunch since we missed breakfast." I said with a smirk. He shook his head and smiled.

It was September 12, a Thursday and I have missed so much school... I was going to have to spend the next few weekends catching up, but I knew I could do it. But this weekend, I was going to spend with Scorpius. I held his hand tightly as we walked down the corridor, on our way to the great hall for lunch, not caring what anyone else thought. I had spent so much time hiding, and I feel so relieved knowing we can be open from now on.

When we walked into the great hall, many people stopped eating and stared. Whether it be because me and Scorpius were clearly together, because of the stories of what's happened In the last few weeks, I didn't give the slightest shit. We walked straight ahead to the Gryffindor table, and when Harley and Albus saw us, they ran. Harley had her arms around me in a vice grip. "Oh my Merlin I was so worried!" She whispered. I hugged her back, and wanted to cry. I missed my best friend... I haven't seen her since Tuesday, when I found out about my father. She let go, and Albus then hugged me. But he didn't dwell long, so as not to seem weird. "I thought you weren't allowed to be out of bed? We were suppose to visit you Friday, right?" Harley asked, looking confused. I shrugged my shoulders and smiled weakly. "I managed to escape." I said, laughing quietly, looking at Scorpius, who squeezed my hand tightly. Probably remembering last night with Dolohov, and what he found out about his father. "But um, there is actually a lot to catch up on. Which we will be talk about later, after we eat, and you tell me what I've missed so far." I said with a heavy sigh, ready for anything that isn't about me, Dolohov, or my father.

Albus and Harley shared a look, and then began walking back to their seats at the table, and made room for both me and Scorpius. People did not find Scorpius and Albus sitting at the Gryffindor table to weird, exactly. Albus being welcomed as he was a Potter, and family of the Gryffindor induced Weasley clan, and Scorpius being welcomed because of Albus. But people still were eyeing me and Scorpius as we walked to our seats. I began to eat some grapes as Harley and Albus began telling me all about what's happened at school.

How Daisy has been pouting for days and whining to anyone who will listen about how Scorpius hasn't left my bedside. How Victorie and Teddy are pregnant with their first child, and how apparently Hagrid was seen with this "giant lady in a silk dress, who he was practically drooling over." Said Albus who looked mortified. I smiled all through their talking, and Scorpius and Albus were joking around and laughing again. And with all of this happening, I still felt an odd emptiness.. I just had so much to take care of, still, I looked over at the Ravenclaw table, and saw Erin. My heart lurched when I remembered Hugo..

"Yeah yeah- I'll be right back." I mumbled, as I quickly sat up. Scorpius grabbed my hand and looked worried, "it's okay, I just have some things to take care of." I whispered, kissing him on the cheek. He let go of my hand reluctantly, but nodded his head, letting me go. I quickly, and awkwardly, walked to the Ravenclaw table, making my way to Hugo's lover. He was picking at his food, quietly, his surrounding friends laughing and talking, but he was clearly not paying attention. I tapped his shoulder. When he saw it was me, his eyes widened, and he turned hopefully.

"I was just wondering if you could tell me where Hugo is..? I think me and him really need to talk about what happened with our father." I whispered. He looked around, and nodded his head. He looked close to tears, actually. "Um- heh- Hugo hasn't spoken to me in two days. After the vase smashing, he's been uh, a little distant." He said quietly, running a hand through his hair. I felt awful for him.. But I shared his worry. "If there is one place you will find him, it's the owlery. He goes there when he needs to be alone. I haven't tried to speak to him of course- well- because it's just-" "I know.." I whispered, resting a hand on his shoulder. He smiled weakly, and sighed. "Thank you, and I know my father would have accepted you. He'd have been awkward, but he'd have liked you I think." I said, meaning every word. I turned on my heel and made my way quickly out of the great hall, and ran straight to the owlery. Me and Hugo had a lot to talk about...

Rose and Scorpius, A True Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن