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"Why won't you tell me what's going on, Rose?" Harley whispered angrily. I could tell she was pissed off cause I wouldn't tell her anything, but we were in transfiguration with the Hufflepuffs and I couldn't risk being distracted. "And what did you do to your hair? I mean- I really love it- but where did this come from?" Harley whispered in such a hurt voice that it made me look up from my notes and at my best friend. She was worried, and I didn't know what to do. "And I noticed you didn't eat anything this morning, and I know you haven't for nearly two days. You look like you haven't been sleeping-" "I'll tell you later, I promise. I just can't right now because if I do, I might start crying or something." I mumbled. She stared at me with wide eyes, but finally stopped questioning me. Maybe she can sleep over in my common room? Then we can talk. I knew I'd have to tell her eventually, but the mere idea of saying it out loud- would make it real... And I let my mind drift to the sudden kiss we shared in the common room, it had come out of no where, but it felt so good to be close to him again... And I could have sworn he was trying to tell me something with it! But I can't think of what... And anytime I think about asking, I just get angry and cry or something stupid! And what's worse? I know for a fact I'm still in love with him... He took my heart, and he abused it by saying he never cared about me, and that I wasn't worth any trouble, and I still love him. I was breathing heavily, trying to keep the tears in, not wanting to cry in front of all these people. Damn it's going to be a long day. Finally the bell rang, and it was time for the next class, Herbology with the Ravenclaws. Harley and I stood up and walked out of the class and into the crowded corridor. "Rose..." I heard Harley whisper behind me. I turned around and tried to look as nonchalant as possible. "Yea?" I asked simply. Harley was looking at me very intensely. "I don't know what's bothering you- but I know you. And I can take a pretty easy guess to what's bothering you right now. And if I'm right, I'll kill him." She said simply, no trace of humor in her voice. I began to laugh uncontrollably, I had a hand over my mouth as my laughing turned into sobbing all over again. Harley quickly pulled me into the now empty transfiguration classroom and shut the door so no one would see me, she knows I would die if I knew people saw me crying so openly. I put my hands in my face as I let the pain wash over my body all over again. The feeling of being stabbed in the chest over, and over, and over again. The confusion over the kiss, the anger, the sadness, the memories... I let my body slide to the floor as I curled into a ball as I cried into my knees. With Harley here, with my best friend here, it let all the emotions I've been feeling intensify. All the pain just worsened, as if my mind just wanted to be comforted, I just wanted to wake up from this nightmare already. I wanted to be told this was just a horrible dream, and that when I wake up Scorpius will be there holding me, telling me he still loves me, that the last year hadn't been a lie. That he truly, truly, cares for me... I felt someone wrap an arm around my shoulder and I cried harder. "Why does it hurt so much!?" I gasped through my sobs. "Because it was real..." Harley whispered. Her words made me look up from my hiding place and look at my best friend through my tears. I shook my head and closed my eyes tightly. "No it wasn't! He lied- he- he- he never loved me! He- oh my god, I'm so stupid! I- I can't breath anymore! Ugh." I let my face fall into my hands as I cried harder. "He- he said- he never cared about me at all." I said through my hands. Pain gripped my chest harder, and I thought it would never go away. "He's lying Rose, there's no way that's possible?" Harley whispered, her voice in disbelief. I looked at her with blurry eyes, "well it is. He said it and everything. That I was just a toy..." I whispered. The sobbing had stopped, but the tears still streamed down my face. Harleys eyes widened and her mouth fell open in shock. I laughed in bitterness and rested my chin on my knees, closing my eyes tightly. "Ironic really. The one person I fall in love with, the one person I had ended up truly loving, had never loved me to begin with..." I whispered. "But- it's not possible... Rose- he risked his friendship with Albus for you. He risked his fathers anger for you..." She said softly. I tightened my grip around my knees and angled my head away from her, my eyes still shut tightly. "Maybe he did too much for me, maybe he realized I really wasn't worth all that trouble." I whispered, mostly to myself... "Yea, but when you love someone, they are worth every bit of trouble you can imagine." She said soothingly. I rubbed my eyes and stood up, and turned around to help Harley up. Harley took my hand and stood up as well, and then she laughed, taking me by surprise. "You look like shit." She said, making me roll me eyes and smile a little. "But you look great, I always thought you would look better with shorter hair, it just fits better." She said with a smile. I tried my best not to cry again, lately it's been difficult keeping my tears in. I use to be able to never cry, and now it seems I'm doing it everyday... "Well, we're late for class, better hurry up." I mumbled, trying to hide my red face and splotchy eyes. We walked in comfortable silence all the way to the green houses. She knew I didn't need to talk about it anymore, that I knew what I felt was real and it could only be dealt with in time. I needed space and closure, and crying wasn't going to find me that. But a sudden thought made me break the silence. "Does Albus know yet?" I asked quietly. Harley shook her head, "I doubt it, because if Albus knew you were like this, I don't think Scorpius would be much of a pretty boy right now." She said with a half smile. I groaned as I remembered another thing. "I have next class with him. And rounds tonight." I grumbled. Seeing him all the time just hurts, and it's just confusing. "If you want, you can hex the shit out of him and I'll cover for you saying it was my brother or something." She said with a smirk. "Harley, David graduated two years ago, remember?" Harley stopped walking and stared at me with wide eyes. "Oh yea! That's so weird- it's almost as if he hasn't even been here this entire time." She said in surprise. I threw my head back in laughter as we continued walking. Leave it to Harley.

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