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Soon a week past, and I had found myself on the Hogwarts express. Harley, Hugo, Dominique, Louis, Lily and I were all sharing a compartment. Hugo and Louis were playing exploding snap, while Lily watched. And I was reading my favorite story of all time, a muggle book called 'Romeo and Juliet' while Harley and Dominique talked about boys. "Come on Rose, there has to be SOMEONE you like!" Dominique kept whining. I hid my blushing face behind my book, "Sixteen years old and no one!? What about Brandon? Didn't you have a thing with each other at one point?" She continued to question. I looked over my book to see Harley was giggling. I shot her a look, "that was before he accused of me getting hit with a bludger the reason HE lost us the game. Not to mention him ditching me to be left alone at the dance." I stated dryly. I put my nose back in my book trying to block out my cousin. "Well what about you?" I heard Dominique ask. "I have Albus." I heard Harley state simply. "Yea but did you ever have a thing for anyone els?" Dominique asked. I looked up to see Harley shaking her head, "no, I guess not." She said. I grinned to myself, I'm glad she genially cares about him. "What about you though? You have a new boyfriend about every other week, any new victims yet?" Harley teased. I peered over the edge of my book to see Dominique grinning devilishly. "Actually, I had my sights set on one Scorpius Malfoy." I heard her say. My grip tightened around my book and I felt my face flush in anger. I saw Harley shoot a look in my direction. "Uh- really? Why is that?" Harley said quickly. Dominique scoffed in disbelief. "Are you kidding? He's hot!" Dominique declared as if it was the most obvious thing ever. I could feel my fingers going numb from gripping the book so tightly. Lily started to giggle. "What's so funny Lils?" Dominique asked as she crossed her arms. "Nothing, yea he's hot, not to mention off limits! Uncle Ron would die if Malfoy dated any Weasley girls, and I don't think uncle Bill would be too happy either." Lily said as she continued to giggle. My heart started to beat abnormally fast and I suddenly had the urge to hit something. "Well, that just makes it all the better! He's staying with us for two weeks right? I'll just use that to my advantage..." Dominique said as she tapped her nose and winked at Lily, her perfect silver blonde hair flowed naturally over her shoulder. "What's up with you?" Dominique asked. I had dropped my book and was standing up now, shaking. "I need some air." I said quietly. Ignoring the stares of my family and Harley, I stepped out into the corridor. I closed the door behind me and started to breath heavily. My heart was still beating fast and I felt sick to my stomach. 'Breath, breath, just breath. She doesn't know about you two is all.' I kept telling myself over and over again in my head. 'But you know how Dominique is! She could have any guy she wanted with the snap of her fingers!' A voice in my head said in a panic. I clutched my stomach, 'what about what Lily said? "Not to mention off limits." What does that mean?' I asked myself. I took a deep breath and walked back into the train compartment. "Are you ok? What was that about?" Dominique asked with a worried look. I put on a smile and took a deep breath, "sorry, I needed some air. I always get emotional when ever Tybalt dies in the story." I lied. Dominique began to giggle, "honestly, you and your books." She said shaking her head. I picked my book up off the floor and sat in my seat stiffly. Harley's gaze following my every movement. All the sudden Harley stood up, "I'm hungry, I'm going to get some food. Rose come with me." She said as she hurried out of the compartment. I reluctantly put my book down and followed her. I closed the door but she kept walking. I followed her a little farther away and she stopped walking and looked at me intently. "You ok?" She asked quietly. I shrugged my shoulders, "it doesn't matter." I said softly. "Look it's not a big deal! All we have to do is keep her away from him for two weeks. It's not Malfoy I'm worried about, it's you. The last thing we need is for you to jinx your own cousin." Harley whispered in a reasonable tone. I couldn't help but smile, "thanks." I whispered. "Babe?" Harley turned around and saw Albus behind her. "Oh hey!" She said quickly, standing on her tip toes to give him a kiss. "What are you two doing out here?" He asked curiously, putting an arm around Harley. "Nothing, just getting some air." I said simply. Suddenly Scorpius emerged from the compartment that Albus came out of. "What are you doi-" Scorpius began to say, but he caught sight of me and stopped talking immediately. I felt my heart skip a beat. "Hey, Albus? Come get some food with me." Harley said suddenly. Albus looked from me to Scorpius, "is that safe?" He whispered. Harley giggled, "honestly, they're not going to kill each other now! They usually wait till we get off the train." Harley said, directing a wink at me when Albus wasn't looking. Albus walked away, hand in hand with Harley. Leaving Scorpius and I alone. "What was that about?" He asked as he walked closer to me, pointing back at Harley. I hadn't been able to to tell him that Harley already knew about us yet. I checked around to make sure the corridor was empty, and grabbed his hand. "Last week, I told Harley about us. She's completely cool with it. And it might help to, with keeping it secret and all." I whispered. His silver eyes widened in shock. "So she knows? But if she's ok with it then that means everyone els has to be right?" He asked hopefully, both of his hands holding mine. I shook my head, "no, she agrees we shouldn't tell anyone yet-" he sighed heavily. "Of course not." He spat out bitterly. I sighed softly, "don't be like that. Only a little while longer okay?" I pleaded. He nodded his head reluctantly as he tucked a loose strand on hair behind my ear. "Oh and one more thing." I said quietly. I stood on my tip toes and kissed him, he slipped a hand around my waist. He pulled away, grinning. "You shouldn't flirt out loud Weasley, someone might see you and then your reputation of hating me will be ruined!" He whispered sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and whacked him across the arm playfully. "Oh, and stay away from Dominique during the holiday. K?" I said as I crossed my arms. Scorpius raised his eyebrows in curiosity. "Is that jealousy I hear, Weasley?" He asked mockingly. I narrowed my eyes to slits and glared at him. He kissed me on the cheek, gave me a quick wink, and walked back into his compartment without a word. 'I swear to- he will so get it if he even-' I growled in my head. I walked back to my compartment to see Harley was still gone, Louis had left as well, Lily and Hugo were in a deep discussion about something, and Dominique was- if I wasn't mistaken- READING my book? I sat down in front of her with wide eyes. "Are you- reading?" I asked horrified. She looked up, startled. "Well- no- maybe- not technically. How do you read this? It's not even in English." She said, tossing my book to me. "And I was bored. You and Harley took so long getting food- where is Harley anyway?" She said looking around. "We ran into Albus, enough said." I said in amusement. "And as for the book, it's written in Shakespearian language. It's in English, but a very old style." I said as I giggled. Dominique nodded her head slowly, trying to comprehend what I said. "Who is Shake- Shakerperian?" She asked as she tried and failed to pronounce his name. "Shakespeare?" I corrected. She nodded her head. "And who is this Romeo person?" She asked again. "You actually want to know about a book? Are you feeling ok?" I asked, not able to believe my ears. She rolled her eyes, "yes I want to know about it! Gosh I'm not as dumb as you all think." She said as she crossed her arms. I gave her a searching look, trying to see if she was pulling my leg. "Alright.." I said slowly. "But if you lose interest, I promise I'll hex you for waisting my time." I said as I opened my book of 'Romeo and Juliet'. She nodded her head and sat criss cross on her seat, showing she was ready to hear about it. "Okay, so what do you want to know?" I asked. "Well, I only got a couple pages in, I didn't understand it." She said shyly. I nodded my head, "all I know is someone named Montague has like a crush on this guy Romeo?" She said, looking very confused. I began to laugh, "No! Lord Montague is Romeos father. And he isn't in love with him, he's worried about him." I said, very amused. "Explain?" She asked. "Alright, so Romeo is upset because Rosaline, who was a nun, didn't love him back. So Romeo goes into a depression about it, and his father is worried. Well Romeos friend drags him to a party, hoping he meets a new girl to cheer him up. Well the people who are throwing the party are named the Capulets. And the Montagues and Capulets hate each other, but he goes anyway. Well he meets a girl named Juliet, and they fall in love. But Juliet is a Capulet, and so it's forbidden that they can be together! But they get married in secret, only problem is that Romeo gets banished for killing someone, and Juliet is being forced to marry Paris, but Juliet refuses. So the priest gives her a potion to let her sleep as if she was dead that way she doesn't have to marry the man! And when she woke up she could run away with Romeo and be happy. But Romeo didn't know she would wake up, and so he killed himself, not wanting to live without her. Then when Juliet woke up and saw Romeo dead, she killed herself, not wanting to live without him. So in the end the two lovers died, making it a tragedy." I said in a matter of fact tone. Dominique looked like she was somewhere inbetween confusion and sadness. "I still don't understand some of it, but these two people who claimed to love each other die? All because their family hates each other?" She asked, her eyes shining with tears. "Uh- well yeah. That's the gist of it." I said awkwardly. "But that's so sad!" She said loudly, making Lily and Hugo jump in fright. I wasn't sure how to respond to her reaction. Yes it was my favorite story of all time, but only because of the irony and ignorance of the whole thing. I never actually found it 'romantic'. "He wasn't allowed to be with her but he risked it anyway! It's so sweet!" She said, her eyes still shiny. "Well- but- they only knew each other for a couple of hours before they wanted to get married! And only knew each other for maybe four days! Not to mention she was only thirteen, so really- it isn't as romantic as you think." I said trying to reason with her. She shook her head, "it's still romantic though! At least they risked it all for love. Knowing it wasn't allowed, they still risked it." She sniffed. "Could I borrow the book maybe?" She asked. I hesitated but handed over the book. "Thanks." She said cheerfully. I stared open mouthed at my cousin. I didn't know how I felt about her opinion over the story, maybe she was semi right? 'But that's so sad!' Dominique's words rang in my ears. "Yea... It is sad.." I said quietly as Dominique started to read the book, a look of concentration etched on her pretty face. I looked outside the window, as the train was quickly passing by fields and meadows, that at the moment, were covered in a thick blanket of pure white snow. I heard the compartment door slide open, I looked over to see Harley was back, fixing her shirt and red in the face. She stared open mouthed at Dominique who had her nose in the book. She looked at me for an answer and I shrugged my shoulders. "I have no idea!" I mouthed soundlessly to her. Lily and Hugo jumped up on to their feet, "see you later!" Lily said quickly, as she forced Hugo out of the compartment. "Well they're in a hurry." Harley said with raised eyebrows. Wishing nothing more then to get rid of my thoughts, "hmm. Let's follow them?" I asked with a wide grin. Harley smirked, "why Rose Weasley, is that not childish?" She asked dramatically. I stood up and bowed deeply, directing my arms to the door, "after you." I said slowly and with as much drama in my tone as possible. With us both laughing, we snuck out of the compartment in enough time to see the fire, red hair of Lily swish around the corner. We quickly ran up and peeked over to see them whispering fast. "Just do it!" Lily whispered. "No! What if-" Hugo stopped mid-sentence and was blushing bright red. Lily sighed dramatically, "just go! You can do this!" And Lily pushed Hugo into a compartment and was standing outside the door with her fingers crossed. "What do you think they're up to?" Harley whispered. "Do you think he's- asking out a girl!?" I asked, completely shocked. Harley giggled, "that's so cute!!!" She said happily. "Be quite!" I whispered urgently as I continued to watch Lily waiting outside the compartment door. "What do you think her name is?" Harley whispered. I looked away from around the corner and at my best friend. "Harley, I love you, I really do. But I'll kill you if you don't shut up." I said quietly. "Oh! Right, sorry. Stealth mode." She whispered. Whenever I looked back around the corner, Lily was gone. I walked down the corridor and peeked through the window of the compartment, but there was only a fourth year Ravenclaw boy who was looking out the window, no Hugo in sight. I frowned and looked over at Harley, "Whoever the girl was, she must have left with Hugo and Lily." I said quietly. Harley jumped up and down on her toes an clapped happily. "Does that mean she said yes!?" Harley asked as we walked back to our compartment. "I'm not sure, maybe we can find out this Holiday? Your still coming to stay with me for the last week right?" I asked. She nodded her head as we entered our compartment and slid the door shut. "Are you kidding? With all this drama going around? I wouldn't miss it for the world." She said, still giggling.

Hours past and finally we made it to platform 9 3/4. I opened the door to leave and as I stepped out someone ran into me and we both fell over. "Gosh- I keep doing this! I am so sorry-" I pleaded, and then I noticed those silver eyes. Scorpius was on top of me, and I was fighting a laugh as I saw his blushing face. "Sorry." He whispered with apologetic eyes. "Damn it Weasley! Do you ever NOT get in someone's way?" He yelled. At first I was taken aback, and a little hurt. But then I realized what he was doing, and I needed to play along. "Me? In YOUR way!? You fell on me!" I yelled back. Scorpius growled dangerously, and I would have believed it too. If it wasn't for the fact only I could see the corners of his lips twitching into a grin. "Told you, they always wait till we get off the train." Harley said quietly. Albus helped Scorpius off of me and gave us both a look, "look, I get it. You both hate each other! And it's fine by me, but try not to kill each other during the holiday ok? Wait till after?" Albus asked. I nodded my head, feeling a little guilty. Albus was about to walk off the train but stopped and looked at Scorpius. He patted him on the shoulder, "and, try not to land on top of my cousin again, k? I know you hate her, and your my best friend! But- family is off limits, ok?" He said with a smile. I felt my stomach jolt at his words, and Scorpius was laughing awkwardly. "What? Yeah right! With THAT?" He said, pointing at me. Albus laughed awkwardly, "yea, don't know what I was thinking. Just- you fell on her-" Scorpius interrupted his words, "I TRIPPED!" He yelled. I stayed quiet, too hurt to really say anything. Albus shook his head, "your right, my bad." And he and Scorpius walked off, leaving me and Harley in the corridor alone. I felt Harley pat my back as I stared after them. "He was acting Rose- trying to convince him." Harley said quietly. I shook my head, "it's not that. Is that really what Albus thinks?" I asked softly. Harley didn't say anything, so I stepped off the train and into the crowded platform. I started trying to find the red heads that were my family, and after a few seconds there they were. When I got over to them, I was surprised but at the same time not surprised that my father, nor uncle Harry was there. My mother flung her arms around me, "Oh Rosie! We missed you so much!" She said, her bushy brown hair more poofy then usual. "Where's dad?" I asked, already knowing the answer. My mother hesitated, "well- after what happened he and your uncle have been working more. There at the office." She said. I nodded my head in understanding. "Where's your brother?" My mother asked in a worried voice. I looked around me, but got distracted when I caught Scorpius's eyes. He looked pale, and very worried. I didn't have any words to say, I wanted to comfort him but I couldn't. I know he was worried about what Albus had said, and now it was going to haunt him. Suddenly I saw familiar curly brown hair shoot past me and into my mothers arms. My mother looked very taken aback as Hugo hugged her. When he released her, I saw a very familiar facial flush. His face was red, and his clothes crooked. As we walked out of the station I followed close behind him, "someone had a make out session I see." I whispered. I saw his neck grow red. "I- I don't know what your talking about." He sputtered quietly. "What's her name?" I asked teasingly. He started to walk faster and I laughed. "I'll find out sooner or later!" I called after his retreating figure. I caught Scorpius's eye and he gave me a questioning look. "I'll tell you later." I mouthed soundlessly. My owl Romeo hooted happily as my family and I left Kings Cross station, on our way to the Burrow.

Rose and Scorpius, A True LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora