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The moment we pulled into the lawn of the Burrow, grandma Molly was already at they door waiting for us. She hugged the children one by one as they entered the house. I was hiding behind Scorpius's tall figure in the back of the line. Whenever Scorpius reached the door however, he was pulled down by the front of his shirt where my grandmother began to sob uncontrollably onto his shoulder. "You- there- save- thank you!" She gasped out in between sobs. I rolled my eyes and tried to hide my grin. "No- um no problem Mrs. Molly- really." He said awkwardly. My grandmother patted his cheek affectionately and moved on to me. The moment she saw me she burst into tears once more. "Missed you too Grams." I said awkwardly as she clung tightly on to me. "Come inside dear, supper is on the stove." She said sniffly as we walked inside. The Burrow was packed tightly with the family and loud noises. I looked into the living room to see Uncle George, Fred and James lighting no heat fireworks. "Hia Rosie!" My uncle George called cheerfully, I smiled and waved. "Why don't you get ready for dinner dear?" My Grandmother said as she started bustling around the kitchen. I grabbed some silverware and made my way outside, the snow crunching beneath my feet. The backyard looked beautiful to my surprise, lanterns were lit up and floating above the table, silver lights were strung around the huge trees, and small blue bell flames were set inside jars and going down the table so it felt warm. I set the silverware down and looked around the yard in awe. I suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around me and I screamed as I was flung in a circle. "The thorn in my side has arrived at last!" I heard a familiar voice yell cheerfully as he spun me around. "Teddy!" I said, laughing. "Put me down!" I whined, still giggling. Teddy put me down and hugged me. "Are you feeling better?" He asked seriously. "Yes! Goodness, would madam Pomfrey have let me leave if I wasn't?" I asked with a smirk. He rolled his eyes and chuckled happily, his blue hair dancing in the wind. "Why does the yard look so- so- amazing?" I asked as I started to look around once more. "Do you like it? Do you think it looks okay? I mean-" he started pacing around the table checking things, and his usually relaxed and laughing eyes had a look of panic in them. "Teddy?" I asked starting to feel worried about his weird behavior. He shook his head and grinned, "don't ask questions, you'll find out soon." He said, still with a shimmer of panic in his hazel eyes. I decided not to question him further, and began to walk back inside. As I walked inside I saw a swoosh of long silver blonde hair pass me. "Dominique? What are you-?" I started to ask. My cousin was walking around the house, wearing a mini skirt and a long sleeved blouse. She looked at me and flipped her hair so it flowed gracefully over her shoulder. "Have you seen Scorpius?" She asked, pouting. I felt a jolt in my stomach and I felt myself go stiff. "Since when do you call him Scorpius?" I asked stiffly. She shrugged her shoulders, "I figured I might as well, if I want to get close to him." She said as she started to look over the heads of family members. "Don't you think it's a little cold for a mini skirt?" I asked through clenched teeth. She waved her hand, "I'll be fine, it's just so he has something to look at." She said devilishly. I felt the sudden urge to push her into moving traffic. "Why would you want to date him anyways?" I asked, hoping to change her mind. "He's rude, and-" I couldn't think of anything els to say, the truth was he was the nicest person I knew- besides Harley. "Look, the family would HATE it, making me want to do it more, it reminds me of Romeo and Juliet! And he's the hottest boy in school, with his toned body, almost white hair, silver eyes-" "OK! You can stop now!" I interrupted her comments loudly. She crossed her arms, "I don't know why your so against him, he saved your life!" She yelled. I didn't say anything, I couldn't say anything without letting it slip that we were together. I bit my tongue, trying my hardest not to rip off her perfect little head. "What are you girls fighting over?" I heard a silky voice ask behind me. I turned around and saw my beautiful cousin Victorie, her waist length silver blonde hair flowing side to side and her ice blue eyes sparkling in the light. "Nothing." Dominique said, shooting me a look. And with that she walked off, still looking for Scorpius. "What is that girl up to now?" Victorie asked, watching her sisters retreating figure suspiciously. "She wants to get a cold really badly." I said irritably. Victorie nodded her head with wide eyes, "no kidding, a mini skirt in THIS weather? No thank you." She said with a laugh. "Have you see Teddy? He's been avoiding me all day for some reason..." She asked quietly. "Backyard." I said firmly. She smiled and ran outside to the backyard. I decided I needed to unpack and began to climb the stairs that led to my room. I opened the door but as I stepped inside, someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me farther in, closing the door behind me. I already had my wand out and was about to scream when they clamped a hand over my mouth. "Relax, it's me." The voice whispered. Scorpius switched on my bedroom light and looked at me. "Warning next time maybe?" I asked, crossing my arms. He shrugged his shoulders and leaned against the door, "I needed to see you." He stated simply, making me smile. He looked at me with very serious eyes, "what are we going to do?" He asked quietly. My smile faded and I looked at him sadly. "I don't know." I said quietly, shrugging my shoulders. "I was hoping- out of everyone that it would be Albus who had our backs- and now-" he ran his hands through his hair violently. I felt my stomach clench tightly at his words. "I feel like I'm betraying him." He said quietly. I couldn't say anything, I wasn't sure what he meant by his words. "I don't know- should we keep this up?" He whispered, his silver eyes looking pained. I felt my heart beat faster and my face flush in anger, "Your the one who told me not to give a damn what the others thought!" I yelled furiously. He quickly moved his fingers to his lips, "sh!" He whispered. He moved up and tried to hug me but I pushed him away. "No!" I whispered angrily. "Don't touch me." I growled. He sighed heavily, "I'm sorry- I didn't mean it! I was just wondering is all..." He said quietly. I crossed my arms and turned my back on him, "liar." I whispered. I felt his arms circle around my waist and his chin rest in the crook of my neck. "I'm sorry. It was a bad idea, we can think of something els. You did say we didn't have to tell them for awhile right?" He said softly. I didn't say anything. "Rose.." He whispered softly. I continued to be silent. He kissed my neck gently and did a trail up to my jaw, giving me shivers through my whole body. "You can't stay mad at me forever you know." He whispered. I wanted to kiss him so badly, but at the same time I wanted to stay mad at him for awhile longer. "Don't get left in a room alone with Dominique." I said irritably. I wiggled my way out of his arms and left the room, not before I saw the smirk on his face. I walked down the stairs and outside where most of the family was sitting at the table, admiring the outside decorations. If it wasn't for the fact it was ice cold freezing, I'd enjoy it a little more. I sat down at the end of the table next to Hugo and Roxanne. Soon Scorpius joined us and sat next to Albus, and to my horror, Dominique. "that little- she planned that!" I accidentally whispered out loud. "Who planned what?" Roxanne asked. I quickly looked at my plate, "nothing." I mumbled. I looked back up to see Albus and Scorpius in a heated discussion, and to my pleasure Dominique was pouting next to him. I looked around the table, Grandmother and Grandfather were talking with my mother and aunt Ginny, Teddy was whispering to uncle Bill, who looked very stern, Victorie kept shooting his suspicious looks from across of him while talking with aunt Fleur. Roxanne was watching Fred and James, who kept changing Uncle Percy's hair purple when he wasn't looking. Lily was clapping happily while Hugo whispered something while blushing. And when I looked back over at Dominique, her teeth were chattering and her lips were blue. She flipped her hair dramatically, and I snorted into my drink whenever it slapped Scorpius in the face. "Oh I'm so sorry!" She said slowly. She rested her hand on his shoulder and giggled, "my bad, I can be so clumsy." She said with a toothy smile. Scorpius looked very awkward as he took a glance at me with pleading eyes. I couldn't help but laugh. Dominique started to shiver. "It- it- it's so-oo-o co-old." She said, glancing at Scorpius. Scorpius looked at me, and I saw him mouth the words, "help me!" I started to laugh. "Well gosh Dominique, maybe if you weren't half naked you wouldn't be so cold?" I said with raised eye brows. She flushed red and didn't say anything. Roxanne and Albus were laughing out loud, and Scorpius was hiding a smile behind his hand. Dominique looked at Scorpius, "gosh Scorpius, do you know where I could borrow a jacket?" She asked while doing her best at the puppy dog eyes. Scorpius did his best to hold a straight face, "yea, I think I saw you put your jacket on the couch in the living room." He said in his would be casual voice. I clamped a hand over my mouth as I tried to muffle the laughter. "Thanks." Dominique stated dryly, her eyes narrowed. Suddenly we heard a clanking of glass at the end of the table, I looked over and was surprised to see Teddy standing up. The chatter fell silent and we all looked up at my blue haired cousin. "I- I have an announcement to make." Teddy said firmly. He cast his eyes down at Victorie and looked her in the eyes. "Victorie Gabriel Weasley." He said with a smirk. My mother and aunt Ginny had their hands on their hearts and looked like they could cry. "I've known you my entire life. We went to Hogwarts together, we became best friends, and we grew up together." Teddy continued with a laugh. "You know every last embarrassing thing about me, you know my heart and soul inside out. Then in my sixth year I realized how much I was in love with you... Your laugh, how you cry when your stressed, how your nose goes red when your angry. And you can't even imagine how happy, and embarrassed, I was when YOU asked me out in seventh year." Everyone laughed at this, and Victorie was crying. My stomach was swooping, and I swore I knew where this was going. "And we've been together ever since. And just- I would scream it from Hogwarts castle how much I love you!" He got on one knee and pulled out a velvet black box. "Torie, I love you. Will you do me the honor of becoming Victorie Lupin, and will you marry me?" He asked softly. Through her tears she started to laugh and she flung her arms around his neck. "You colorful idiot, Yes!" She yelled as she pulled him into a kiss. Dominique was crying, as was almost every other girl at the table. I clapped enthusiastically as Victorie put on the ring. Albus was whistling while clapping, and when I looked at Scorpius, I was surprised he was looking right at me. He quickly looked away and continued to clap along with everyone els. Soon all the adults were inside celebrating, while the kids were left to clean up outside. "I can't believe my sister is getting married!" Dominique squealed. she seemed to have forgotten about the cold weather and was now talking non stop as we cleaned away the food. "We need to start planning! Oh finding a bridesmaid dress will be so hard! What with our different hair colors and all." Dominique started walking up to the house mumbling different colors under her breath. I stared after her in disbelief. "She's going to pay more attention to the wedding then the bride!" Albus said with wide eyes. I started to fold up the table cloth, not being able to use magic yet I had to do it by hand. "Be right back!" Albus called as he ran inside the house to put away silverware. "You weren't kidding, I'm actually scared to be left alone in a room with her now." I heard Scorpius whisper in my ear. "Oh I'm not worried. After sitting in the snow for over an hour dressed like THAT? She'll need to worry about the flu before she can worry about flirting with you." I said happily. "Rose.." I heard him say quietly. I looked around to make sure no one was watching and turned to face him, "what's up?" I asked as I started collecting plates, trying to look busy. "Um- nothing.." He said, looking into my eyes intently. I gave him a questioning look. He shook his head, and quickly turned away. I was about to ask him what was wrong, but then I saw Albus had returned, silencing me at once. I grabbed the folded table cloth and began to carry it inside. I've only been home for a couple of hours, and there's already so much Harley has missed. Being with my family was never boring.

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