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Harry Potters POV

I stood in front of the large glass front door, sighing heavily. Just remember, your doing this for Albus and Rose, and probably Scorpius if they are right about Draco Malfoy. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. The door cracked open and I looked down in surprise to see a house elf with big, round green eyes and long bat like ears. My heart stopped- he looked just like Dobby. "How may I help Sir?" The house elf squeaked, and I sighed when I heard the elf sounded nothing like Dobby. "Yes, I'm hear to see Draco Malfoy." I said firmly. The elf bowed deeply so his long nose skimmed the floor of the front entrance. "Beezey wishes to help Sir, but Master be very busy at the moment." The elf said in a high voice. Doing what? I wonder... "I'm afraid it can't wait." I said, opening the door and welcoming myself in the large mansion. Memories flashed threw my mind, the snatchers, Hermiones screams, Wormtail dying for me. I shook my head and looked around the room. "Sir! I must insist Sir leave! Master will not be happy, he won't!" The elf squeaked. "BEEZEY! Who was at the door!" I heard someone yell. I looked around and saw the familiar thin faced and platinum hair of Draco Malfoy walking through a door way. He was wearing all black robes and his hair was still slicked back. Prat. He froze when he saw me, and I smirked. "What are you doing here, Potter." He spat out quietly. I pulled out the warrant I managed to get approved by Kingsley to check on Scorpius. "I'm here, Malfoy, to see your son." I said with narrowed eyes. I don't care what Ron says, I know Scorpius is a good kid, and he's always been there for my son, so if I see Malfoy has done anything to him, it will be my pleasure to put that bastard in Azkaban. Malfoy snatched the paper out of my hands and read it, his pale face slowly going red. "What is this about! Of course I don't abuse my child!" He bellowed. The elf, Beezey, squeaked and scurried off into the kitchen. "The only reason I haven't beaten the shit out of you Malfoy, is because I'm here on work terms." I whispered dangerously, making him pale. "I have heard from an anonymous source, that you might be abusing your son, Scorpius Malfoy. So I have been sent by the Minister of Magic himself to make sure he's safe." I said with a sneer. Dracos eyes flashed dangerously but I held my ground. "I am in the middle of an important meeting. So maybe you should come later." He growled. I raised my eyebrows, "or maybe you can stop beating around the bush, let me see Scorpius, and I can leave faster so you can continue your meeting?" I said with a raised eyebrow. "Fine." He whispered. "BEEZEY!" He bellowed loudly, taking me by surprise. The elf came running out of the kitchen and looked fearfully at Malfoy. "Sir?" The elf squeaked, shaking in fear. "Go retrieve my son. And be quick about it." Malfoy snapped. The elf ran down the hallway and up the stairs. Malfoy and I glared at each other in silence, not blinking. "What do you want father?" I looked away from Malfoy and saw Scorpius was standing in the doorway that Malfoy had entered through. Scorpius noticed me and paled. "Mr. Potter?" He said breathlessly. I smiled and waved him over, and he walked over stiffly. "I'm here to speak to you about something rather important, and I'm afraid your father can't be in the room." I said, looking at Draco Malfoy with raised eyebrows. His face heated in anger once more. "I will be in the kitchen then." He whispered, his eyes flashing to Scorpius. I watched Draco Malfoy glide out of the room in anger, and turned to Scorpius who was looking at me with a soulless expression. This was the first time I had actually seen him this close in a long time, since Christmas actually. He was tall, about 6'2 at the most, his platinum hair was a mess and was rather long, his hair fell just below his eyebrows, and his silver eyes had purple bags under them. Good lord, did anyone sleep last night? But other than lack of sleep, he looked almost perfectly fine. But something seemed wrong... His eyes looked empty. "Scorpius, are you abused?" I asked quietly. "No." He said simply, nothing on his face changing. "Scorpius, you can tell me. Your father can't hurt you if I take you away from him, I can keep you safe." I said softly, resting my hand on his shoulder. He shook my hand off and backed away. Something's wrong. "My father does not abuse me. We have a wonderful and happy family. I'm not sure who told you I was being abused, but I'm not." He said quietly, looking away from me. What has he done to you Scorpius? "Will that be all, Mr. Potter?" He asked. I nodded my head silently. "Good day, Sir." I watched in silent horror as he walk away. "Are you finished tormenting my family?" I looked around and saw Draco Malfoy standing in the doorway to the kitchen, glaring at me. The bastard! "Not even close..." I whispered. His eyes flashed and I turned around and left Malfoy Manor, thinking of all that had just happened. As I walked along the freshly mown lawn, my mind was buzzing. Something is wrong, but what? And why won't Scorpius tell me? Merlin what did that bastard do to you! Rose was right, you aren't safe here. It's been two days since Rose and Albus begged me to check on Scorpius, I would have done it immediately if it didn't take so long to get that damned warrant signed. I'll have to write to Rose and tell her to meet me in Godrics Hollow. I would go to the burrow, but we are no longer staying there. Rose, Hugo, Hermione and Ron returned to their cottage. Albus, Ginny, Lily and I are back in Godrics Hollow, and James is staying with us for a few days. Louis, Dominique, Bill and Fleur are back at Shell Cottage, Percy, Molly, and Lucy are back in London, and George, Angelina, Fred and Roxanne returned to Diagon Alley. Ron and I decided it would be safer for everyone to stay in their homes, and not be too grouped up and cause attention. Wherever the hell Dolohov is, he's after our family, and I'm going to catch him before he can touch them. I apparated, felt the familiar unpleasant jolt in my stomach, and appeared back in Godrics Hollow. I was in my living room. "Harry? How did it go? Is he alright?" I turned around and saw Ginny walk quickly up to me, kissing me quickly on the lips and hugging me tightly. "I'm not sure, honestly..." I said quietly. My beautiful wife pulled away and gently stroked my face. "Please stay home tonight." she whispered. I hesitated, I needed to go back to the office, but damn those eyes. "Alright." I whispered and she smiled widely. "Dad! Any news?" I looked up and saw Albus was standing at the top of the stairs, looking anxious. "We will have to talk about that later with Rose, but how about you get ready for dinner?" I said with a smirk. He looked confused, "wait, your staying tonight?" I nodded my head and his eyes widened. "I'll set the table." I said happily, leaving my son dumbfounded at the top of the stairs.

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